It is a start!

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It was a long and tedious process, but you and Sai finally released a bunch of video games for people to play. Obviously, it was an instant hit!
"Amazing!" a crowd quickly gathered around the screen (with Yo crying from joy). "Even in this world we got video games!"
Sai giggled as the two of you kept programming in your corner. After Senku taught you music tracking, and a bit of practice, you got the hang of it and you were able to keep up to Sai's speed.
"A drop puzzle game like tetris is as simple a program as it gets!"
"And since the music is simple and retro, I can make it no problem!" you added.
"We can whip out plenty more in short orders!"
"Haha~!" Ryu snapped his fingers. "This collaboration between musician (Y/n) and programer Sai is sure to make miracles!"

For a while, you worked with Sai in making video games. It was no Dragon Quest yet, but this was a great start! Then one evening, something happened. You were all minding your own business on the Perseus when suddenly you heard Gen and Yo yelling. You all looked over to see the medusa's green light slowly coming towards you. With no time to think about how or why this was happening, you all ran away. But you and Senku were thinking fast.
"Senku!" you grabbed his arm. "The speed's different from when it enveloped the whole planet!" you quickly said, thinking that any information would be useful to him, even if he already knew.
He smiled and grabbed your hand.
"Good eye!" he said before stopping.
"What are you doing?!"
"Hold on."
"Shouldn't we, you know, fuckin' move?!"
"Ah, you're right." he made you both back away two meters. "This should be fine."

Ryusui noticed what you were doing and let out a 'ha!' before standing beside you. You trusted Senku of course, but that didn't stop you from panicking when the light came closer and closer. You hugged his arm tightly and grabbed his bottle of revival fluid from his belt, just in case. You praised yourself but then your eyes widen when the beam came to a stop and eventually disappeared. You let out a heavy sigh and almost deflated, leaning on Senku's shoulder. He laughed and gently took the bottle back.
"Don't scare me like that!" you pushed him.
He just laughed louder. You all went below deck to check on the medusa, which, last time you saw it, was inside a glass dome devoid of air, inside a giant safe. You found Gen and Yo petrified and in pieces, the safe was still closed, but when you opened it, you found the glass casing shattered.
"What the fuck?" you whispered as you slowly turned your head towards Senku.
He looked at shocked you were. At this moment, you all went detective mode. You pieced the two suspects/witnesses back together (you couldn't find all of Yo's hair though, so now he has a new haircut), and interrogated them right away.

"What the hell happened?" you asked them with a serious expression.
"W-wasn't me!" Yo panicked. "I mean sure we were the last ones there and I may have wondered what would happen if I shouted from outside the case!"
You frowned.
"But it was a joke!"
Your frowned deepened. He panicked even more.
"I want my lawyer!"
"Relax Yo-chan." Gen, his unspoken lawyer, reassured him. "You're blameless here." he smiled at you. "Before getting into any reasoning or deduction, so as to not jump to conclusion-"
"Too late, I'm deducting!" you folded your arms. "I've jumped!"

"Listen to what happened first!" he cleared his throat. "One, a clamor inside the safe. Two, the sound of glass cracking. Three, the click. Four, the flash."
"Okay so three is the glass shattering for sure." you gestured towards the inside of the safe.
"And the clamor could be the vacuum tube cracking." Senku said, a hand on his chin. "But we can't be sure of that."
"Meanwhile..." Gen smirked. "No living soul so much as touched or spoke to the safe or the device."
There was a moment of tense silence.
"So the light came out all on its own?" Kaseku asked.
"Hah!" Kohaku smiled. "Sounds to me like Why-man has restarted his attack on humanity from up on the Moon!"
"Activating it remotely?" Chrome's eyes narrowed. "But how?"
"Via video waves perhaps." Sai suggested.
"Hmph! If he could do something like that, why not do that from the start?" Ryu smiled. "Like when my dear (Y/n) was all by her lonesome, to finish the job."
"Awfully sweet of him not to zap the whole Earth, don't you think?" Chelsea shifted nervously.
"Too many mysteries behind this~." Suika held her head.

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