[While waiting]: song list

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Yeah because someone asked, I'll put the links to the songs I've used to far, plus a few other songs and videos that gave me inspiration throughout the writing process.
Regarding the story, I just wanna say, I am working on it. It's just hard because what I'm planning for the Xeno arc might shake up the original plot big times, I'm not sure, and I wanna make sure it'll all make sense. Plus I got my exams and other fanfictions and projects I'm working on. So thank you for your patience.
But anyway, here's the song list (not in any particular order):

-"Endless" from Carole and Tuesday: the end of that song perfectly embodies MC's feeling of sinking when she develops self-worth issues

-"Desire" by Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet: When MC says that wind instrument best translate the musician's raw feelings, and then goes out to play the trumpet, this is what gave me the idea (although, it's a saxophone, wth was it doing in a trumpet playlist then?!?!)

-"Lily Will Soon Be a Woman" by Ibrahim Maalouf, Live version: like the first one, it's the end of the piece that made me wanna put it in the story. At the party after the village tournament, this is the melody tipsy MC made the people sing

-"Mine Own King Am I/Joel" by Eric Vloeimans: combo sad trumpet, this is also what I had in mind for when she plays trumpet in the forest

-"Give You The World" from Carole and Tuesday: my favorite. When they listen to Lillian's song for the first time, this is what I pictured it to sound like, because at the time I was writing this scene, the anime hasn't caught up yet

-"What is Reggaeton?" by Dave Rave: a really fun video that was the basis for MC's whole music lesson, cool shit

-"Fly me to the Moon with an original rap verse" by Going Spacewards: That's it, that's all there is to say

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