The village

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"Urg~!" Senku groaned. "Those words bothersome enough I wanna die."
"Yeah I agree." you said as you both took a step back. "Preeeetty cringe."
"And seriously?" he continued. "Falling for someone just like that in a situation like this?"
"I mean," you said, turning towards him. "I guess the adrenaline rush would make you confused about your feelings but-"
"That's not what I meant at all!" Kohaku protested. "I'm saying I like you as a person for the things you stand for and your work! And I want to help you!"
"Well in that case I'm glad." Senku sighed. "A mind in love is the root of the most illogical of problems."

Back in the modern world, you'd think 'ouch'. But right now, you kinda get it.

Yeah, you had a crush on Senku. Well, to you, your crush was only at that level where, if he asked you on a date, you'd say yes for the funsies and also because he's a cool guy but that's it. In those circumstances, things are different.
'We don't have time for little highschool crushes!' you thought. 'We have a civilization to bring back!'
So basically, you'll just repress your feelings until they wither over time. How boring and depressing.

Ever since then, Kohaku has been accompanying the two of you. She was actually pretty useful, she had a good grasp on survival and knew the forest very well. And she was very strong too.
You were...impressed.

The night has fallen and the three of you set up camp. You, sitting in your futon, were ready to a few hours of silently staying awake. Your sleeping schedule has never been the most reasonable. Though you wanted to change it, habits of years and years die hard.
But it was the silent part that really bothered you. God you missed your instruments!
Then, you noticed Kohaku falling asleep with her knifes in her hands. A bit weirded out by that, you wanted Senku to get in on this too. You tapped his shoulder. He shifted a bit, then opened his eyes and looked up at you. You pointed at Kohaku and he turned around, he frowned when he saw what you wanted to show him.

"Are you some new kind of human that sleeps while clutching knives?" he asked, in a 'what the fuck are you doing' tone.
"That's because you went on about a mind in love or whatever!" she exclaimed. "Just because I'm interested in who you are doesn't mean I trust you two. I've survived this long by always looking out for myself. That's how I do things, nothing personal."

Senku only turned back around towards you.
"Even with both our strength combined, we're not strong enough to take down a lioness, even if we get the jump on her. So hurry up and go to sleep. Just 0.1 second more of this is a wasted of energy."
"Lioness?!" Kohaku exclaimed, while you chuckled. "That hurts! Even for me! Even though you live and act like a gentleman, your tongue is more twisted than the most crude of men! I may end up killing you if you're not careful!"
"Don't worry." you smiled. "Senku may sounds... Okay he does sounds like a stoic mischievous brat. But his intentions are always good, ever since I knew him, his heart was always in the right place." your smiled softened.

"...How long have you been traveling together?" Kohaku eventually asked.
"Well, a few days actually." you laughed when you saw the look on her face. "But we've known each-other for a long while. We met in our second year of middle-school. Though, we were in different classes-it's kind of a funny story actually!" you kept going despite her confusion at the word 'middle-school'. "I was playing the piano and I got surrounded by the people in my class. He was passing by when I finished and he heard the others asking me when did I learn to play. And when I said it was my first time ever, he stepped in and intensely interrogated me because he didn't believe a word I was saying." you giggled, your heart getting filled with a warm feeling of nostalgia. "After that, we started to follow each-other around 'cause we were curious. Me about his science research and experiment, and him about my knack for music and how each instrument works."

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