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"Now then!" Senku smiled once you both went back to the others after Tsukasa's kind of funeral. "I suppose we should start making preparations to head out. We gotta get started with our science craft!"
"Head out?" you frowned in slight confusion.
"Byakuya and his crew left us priceless information across thousands of years." he paused. "The origin of the petrification ray, lies on the other side of the earth!"
"Whaaaat?! The other side?!" Ginrou exclaimed.
"But how are we going to get there?!" Suika asked.
"Ha! What are you worried about? Even neanderthals crossed the continent of Eurasia."
"They did?" you mumbled.
"Yeah, but that took tens of thousands of years didn't it?!" Gen said. "On top of that, those former primates probably had crazy powerful legs!"

"Well then in that case we'll have to cross it using our heads and our hearts!" Chrome exclaimed. "From one end of the earth to the other!"
"Yeah." Senku's smile widen. "We'll soar across the world and solve all the mysteries of this stone world! The grand age of sail begins!"
You gasped loudly, slightly jumping up and down.
"Pirates~." you said, clearly trying not to shout.
"That's what made you react?" Gen looked at you.
"I love pirates."
"I know." Senku sighed, remembering that Pirates of the Caribbean marathon.

That evening, you were with Yuzuriha at your new place. With the houses that were getting built because the Kingdom of Science was moving in, you both decided to share a house together. In addition to saving space, it allowed you to have some friend-time, which included a good session of gossip. And oh boy did you have things to tell.

"Then he said: 'I wouldn't know what I'd do if you gave me an answer anyway'."
She looked at you with big eyes, her hands on her cheeks.
"And you didn't answer?"
"I wasn't going to. I just didn't know what to say, it's just...not a question you ask someone. Especially when the boy they like is in the room with them." you looked down and mumbled. "Plus...after I basically confessed to Senk-."
"Woawoawoa! What?!"

You flinched, she was suddenly leaning really close towards you you had to back off.
"Uh... Did I not mention that?" you nervously smiled, your eyes darting across the room.
"No! And you should have started with that! What do you mean you confes-?!"
"Shshshsh!" you placed your hands on her mouth, blushing. "Too loud."

She narrowed her eyes as she slowly sat back. Then you removed your hands.
"Plus, I didn't, like...directly say it. I mean I think I made it obvious... But..."
"(Y/n), just tell me what happened. And don't spare *any* detail."
"...okay." you said under your breath. "So... the night after we made the guitar, I made sure him and I were alone."

Sitting around the campfire, you've both finished your dinner for a while now, and you've been glancing at Senku ever since, hesitating to speak up. The silence was almost pushing you down with its weight, though of course Senku didn't seem to mind. With your new level of courage, your mentally slapped yourself.

"Ah! I just remembered!" you lied and took your guitar which was beside you.
"I... I wrote a song."
"...really now?"
"Yeah, but I don't know if the message is clear enough. So could you tell me?"
"You're asking me? You know I'm not the person to ask for that stuff."
"I-I know but, just listen okay."

He sighed and shifted in his seat to face you. You gulped as you set the instrument.
"Keep in mind that it's my very first song, that I finished that is. And the lyrics don't really fit the whole thing, so it's pretty cringe-especially one part where, like I swear it was just for the rhyme. So-."
"(Y/n). Just play."
"...okay." you said under your breath.

You looked down at your hands, your heart going crazy. You took one last deep breath. This was it, there's no going back now.

[Now, I cannot take credit for those amazing lyrics, so: written by Going Spacewards in their cover of Fly Me to The Moon. Go check 'em out it's dope]

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