Something to come back to

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You all stared at Kinrou and Ginrou in disbelief, who were presenting their spears. They said that if they each got a golden and a silver spear, it'd help them fight better or something. Judging by their character, you had your doubts on those statements.

"Just look at all this glass!" Ginrou exclaimed. "You made such a wonderful laboratory! Surely you can make a silver spear."
You sighed and shook your head. Wondering how long he's gonna keep this up until he accepts that he won't get his precious silver spea-.
"Kukuku! That's right!" Senku smirked. "Now that we have glassware, now's time to get the hardest ingredient for the cure-all. And the only way to get it is to buckle up and dive right in!"
"What...are you getting at?" you asked.
Senku turned towards his glassware to gather what he needed.
"Very well, I shall make you a silver spear."
"Oh my god." you mumbled to yourself while Ginrou was ecstatic.

"Ooooh too bad for you Kinrou!" he trolled the shit out of him, with the smuggest of expression. "I guess I'm just the type that people feel sympathy for!"
"I don't even have one millimeter of sympathy for you." Senku said. "The price for it is high, high enough to die." he looked back at him with a smirk. "And truly, you may very well die. In this maximum-level danger area, your gonna put your life on the line!"
You smiled, happy to see Ginrou's smug expression fall into worry.

"At last!!! At long last!!!" he cried of joy admiring his new silver spear. "Thank you Senkuuuu!!!"
"Pfff. I don't give one millimeter of a damn about your thanks, after all I didn't make it for you." Senku put a bag full of empty jars on his shoulder. "We need to hurry up and get hurry already." he looked at him. "Ginrou, your job is to protect the team."
The blond boy gasped, loving the title of 'The Protector'. Senku looked over at you, who was preparing your on bag of jars.

"(Y/n)..." he said. "You have music to do right?"
"Not really no."
"Yes you do."
You looked up at him and you locked eye contact. You knew exactly what he was doing, and you didn't like it.
"You want me to stay here." you frowned slightly.
He didn't respond, because it wasn't a question. You both knew what was happening.

You recalled the road map, that plus the 'maximum-danger', you figured that you were after sulfuric acid. And though you didn't know how he plans on getting it, you were sure as hell not gonna sit back while everyone has all the fun.
Your eyes went bigger, as if to assume dominance over this argument. Not looking away from his eyes, you put the final jar inside your bag, stood up and put it around your shoulder. Then you walked passed him.
"Onward team!" you exclaimed.
Senku sighed, smiling at the dumb face you made, and followed you.

"Now Ginrou," Senku took the other end of his spear and pointed it forward. "walk with your spear like this. It's our sensor, that's the reason I made it. Look veeeeery carefully at the tip of the spear. If the sparkling silver should change color and become black..." his expression became dead serious. "Then within a few seconds, you will die."
Ginrou's whole body became tense.
"So you'll have to book it in a flash." he continued. "When that happens, we'll be running our asses off too."
You gulped, a bit nervous, but you knew nobody was gonna die. No way~.

You went along the river and even passed the hot springs Kohaku went to everyday to get hot water. At some point, you noticed that there was no more fish in the river and the moss on the rocks were more and more of an emerald green as you walked.
"There's no doubt about it." Senku said as he examined one of those rocks. "Upstream is where lies out goal."
"Goal?" Kohaku repeated, not knowing what you guys were searching for.

Your gaze wandered around until you saw something that made you wheeze loudly. Senku followed your gaze and saw Ginrou walking as carefully as humanly possible, trembling like a chihuahua and lifting his spear at the very end so has to gain the most space possible. He was so tense it was so hilarious.
"Look at this fuckin idiot!" you managed to say.
"The hell are you doin walkin in the back Ginrou?!?!" Senku shouted at him. "You're supposed to be out sensor!!!"
"But you said I was gonna die!" he cried like a kid. "I-I'm scraaaared!"

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