(Y/n)-sensei's music class

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Kohaku's father stood in front of the villagers.

"Without losing a single person, we repelled the attackers!" he raised his fist. "It's a complete victory for the Ishigami village! We can rebuilt the damages caused by the fire!"
Gen sighed.
"We can say that now," he said. "but next time, Tsukasa-chan's gonna show up with a massive army beside him. What are we gonna do~?"
"Not sit and wait I hope!" Kohaku said.
"Of course not." Senku smiled and folded his arms. "We'll get 'em with a preemptive strike, with a fun little scientific invention."
"Kingdom of Science style!" you smiled. "Lovin' it!"

"And so, what are we going to make?" Chrome asked.
"Kukuku!" he folded his arms. "Weep and rejoice! At last modern technology makes its appearance! The most powerful in two million years of human history!"
"Uh... Nuclear weapons?" Gen asked.

He looked over at you to hear your guess on this.
"I... I was actually also thinking nuclear weapons." you smiled, almost apologetically.
Gen chuckled, which made you chuckled.

"Communication technology." Senku said. "We're gonna make cellular phones. In this stone world, isn't that exiting?"
While the villagers were curious and Gen was freaking out, you frowned.
"How are we gonna win with that?" you asked. "I mean, it's amazing, don't get me wrong but you hyped me up with a weapon here."
"Phones *are* weapons." he smiled. "In war,the ability to communicate can totally overturn a disadvantage in numbers. For example: if a double-agent sends us information in real time, we can turn it into a complete victory! If we play our cards right, it's not unthinkable that we could even force the Tsukasa Empire to capitulate without shedding a single drop of blood!"
"Oh~ alright, alright." you nodded. "I'm hyped again!"

"But..." Ginrou shrugged. "Who could possibly our double agent?"
"Ah, they've been there for a long time, but there's two of them. Taiju and Yuzuriha."
"Oh shit! Finally!" you clapped your hands together, smiling. "By the way Senku, did they...?"
"God dammit! What are they waiting for?!"
"Beats me." he shrugged, wondering if you also noticed the parallel here.

After the road map was made, Chrome and Kaseki were looking at it with stars in their eyes. You smiled at their enthusiasm.
"We can do this!" Chrome exclaimed. "We were even able to make that sulfa drug that took forever!"
"Oh sure, you guys can say that since you don't know." Gen said, still flabbergasted. "But~ isn't there a heap of impossible things on this road map? You can talk about plastic and stuff but..."
"It's not impossible." Senku smirked. "No matter how far off it looks, if you follow the rules. Then, with ten billion percent certainty, you'll reach your goal. That's science!"

The next week was eventful work-wise. The Kingdom of Science made cotton candy as a test run for a wire making machine. It was delicious. You also acquired the gear, Kohaku's dad's heart was broken when she sacrificed her shield to make it. As a side-project, Chrome and Kaseki made a giant water wheel by the river, and Senku used it to make a water-powered generator. Ginrou and Kinrou were more than happy to not have to turn those discs anymore, but their happiness didn't last when Kohaku added more hours to their training. And after creating a battery to store some electricity, Senku didn't want to waste any time and, with the help of the crafting team, made the huff-puff device level up to 3. The villagers were more than happy to not have to work their asses off anymore. And the chief was also happy, since autumn was here and winter was approaching, the village had now plenty of time to prepare for the cold season.

Meanwhile, with all the science-making going on, you've never really had time for your little hobby. But the villagers noticed your instruments and asked you about it. And the questions kept piling up. You felt bad because, as much as you wanted to explain further or even show them how it worked, you were busy and focused on more important things.

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