Finding out a lot of things...maybe one too many

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A few days later, you received a call from Chrome's team. Ukyo reported that the entire coastline has changed since 3,700 years ago. Senku came to the conclusion that a new map was in order. And so he decided that the new science project of the Kingdom of Science would be to make a hot air balloon. Gen helped by making everyone gather enough hemp to make cloth. After all, without cloth, there's no hot air balloon, with no hot air balloon, there's no oil, with no oil, all that money Ryusui made (he called it dragos, which you thought was a bit childish) would be totally worthless. In no time they had a mountain of hemp and the crafting team, led by Yuzuriha got to work.

Now of course the idea of making people pay for your little music lessons came to mind, but you never did. First of all because it'd suck to have to pay for something that was previously free. And also because, even in the modern world, you could learn that kind of stuff for free. And it's not like Senku and his stands were doing poorly or anything.
You just kept giving out little lessons whenever you had a break from constructing. And all was going well.
Until, that one dreaded question was asked.

"How do you play it?" one of the kid pointed at the array-mbira you were playing.
"What?" you looked at him.
"How do you play it?" he repeated.
"Oh yeah, it's easy. You just pressed and release the tiles and it makes notes."
"Okay... But how can I play like you play?"
"How did you learn how to play (Y/n)?" Ruri asked.
"Well...I looked at other people play it, and I did the same."
"How do you do that?!" the kid asked, amazed and impatiently waiting for an answer.
"I it." you mumbled, knowing it wasn't a valid answer.

The boy and your other students were disappointed by the fact that you won't teach them how to play. But bless Ruri for telling them that it wasn't against them, because you were in your head right now and though you were able to finish your lesson, you left with a bitter feeling.
You never learned how to play music in a traditional way. It never occurred to you that other people might need a more detailed explanation in order for you to teach them. But you didn't know how to explained something that came so naturally.

You rubbed your face, groaning.
"Is something wrong?"
You looked up to see Ryusui.
"Yeah..." you sighed and looked back down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he sat next to you.
"The others want me to teach them how to play music, but I can't."
"Why's that?"

You were about to tell him, but just now do you realized how douchy it'd make you sound.
'Because I'm simply too much of a genius!' That's how it would sound.
"Actually nevermind." you waved your hand and looked away.
He tilted his head.
"I just realized how pretentious it is."
"So?" you looked at him when he said that. "Whatever it is, it's bothering you, and that's bothering me. Sharing the burden of a beautiful woman is an honor."
You smiled and explained your problem.
"It's nothing pretentious at all!" he said. "You do have the ability to quickly understand your art, and not everyone has that ability! It's a problem like any other!"
"So don't look so sad, okay?" his smile softened. "I'm sure you'll find a way eventually."

He accompanied you back to the storehouse. It was almost done and with your instruments organized, you even started to decorate a bit so the place has more personality, like tracing little drawings on the walls and there was a little shelf with your favorite rocks on it, on another was Lillian's record, carefully placed with the record player.
"My! It looks lovely!" he said when you both walked in.
"It's not done yet, I still have to plug a few holes on the roof." you pointed at the ceiling. "Also Senku will be coming over to install a furnace."

Ryusui, who took the array-mbira for you, placed it down and looked upon all of your instruments. He stayed motionless for a moment, then he suddenly shouted, making you flinch.
"(Y/n)!" he snapped his fingers and looked at you with a big smile, leaning closer to you. "I have made a decision!"
"H-Have you now?" you took a step back, flustered by the suddenly proximity.
"I will arrange a big party!" he opened his arms. "With everyone buried in work, it'll be a great opportunity to come together and have fun!" he pointed at you. "And I commission you to take care of the music!"
"Huh?! I'm not su-."
"Here's your first payment!" he took your hand and placed a stack of dragos on it. "I will give you more after the party of course!"

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