[1] Sneaking out [1]

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Y/N doesn't want the royal life.

"Princess!" Y/N's substitute maid called as she jumped down from the rope. Crap She thought as she ran to the open gate. Her maid was calling her name as she felt the wind in her h/c hair. The voice changed to an even angrier one, her mothers.

"Y/N! Come here this instant!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Y/N hasn't been caught before and the maid went into her wing at the wrong time. The Queen shouted for the guards and she quickened her pace, curling around the brick wall and pulling up her hood.

Y/N L/N ran down the winding paths of the quaint kingdom she ruled as princess, knowing the exact location where she was going. She knew if it was her real maid, she would let her leave. But of course with her luck she was out of town doing business in the larger kingdom called Manberg.

She slowed down near the market stalls and pubs. Drunk men were walking out, speaking slurs and nearly falling each step. Some had women clinging to their arms, some were lonely and some were just with their friends. She put on a mask to cover her identity even more. People around the kingdom would cat call, or worse, try and approach her. And she knew that this would be worse if she showed her royalty.

Down beside the docks of their small-ish town was a house, this house was where all her friends resided. Them and Y/N were friends since birth and their father was basically her father figure before her mother married again. Sometimes, they all talk about how they were going to leave together and never turn back. And on multiple occasions, they nearly did leave to the forest that surrounded the kingdoms.

Y/N took a turn into a quiet street, she kept her head down as she went to her location. Her hood covered her hair and her mask covered her nose and mouth. Strands of hair poked out the rim of the brown hood, the cape trailed on the floor as she walked to their house. Bright lights were illuminating the windows of her best friends' house. 



Unlocking of the door could be heard as their father, Philza opened it. He looked tired, "It's 1am Y/N." He sluggishly spoke, she felt guilty from probably waking the poor man up.

"Sorry if I woke you up, I couldn't come any sooner" She replied with a smile, he returned it.

I gestured for her to come inside. She obliged and took of her hood and mask, her hair fell as she took of her cloak and hung it on a peg. Sounds of people rushing down the stairs could be heard as Philza yelled for the boys.

"Y/N!" Wilbur shouted, engulfing the girl in question in a warm hug. His twin, Techno came behind him. Techno looked ready to go train, he aspires to be a guard after all. Tommy walked down the stairs last, rubbing his eyes. Tubbo was probably with his father.

The h/c haired girl hugged the boy back, "Hi" She said cheerfully.

"Do you want a drink?" Phil asked, looking towards the children's interaction. Multiple nods were seen as he left towards the kitchen

"Tubbo's with Schlatt" Tommy said with a smile, Schlatt was Tubbo's biological father. But he gave Tubbo to Phil when they were young. They recently met up again and Tubbo now lives with him.

"That's fine" The girl replied, Wilbur broke apart from Y/N and Techno took his spot. Techno wasn't really the contact type of guy but he had a soft spot towards the princess.


They were all sat around the fire on the plush sofas, fire crackling serving as background noise. Y/N loved this time of the night, just talking with her best friends. It was sad Tubbo wasn't here since she rarely sees him anymore. The hot cup of Tea in her hands was steaming, grey smoke trailed in swirls exited the cup. She took a sip, just the way she likes it.

A knock on the door could be heard, making Y/N's heart race. Phil looked directly at her with a confused look. "Did they see you?" He mouthed, Y/N's face went pale as he made his way to the door. Commotion could be heard at the front door. Techno being the eldest by a couple minutes spied on them.

Two guards were looking for the princess and Phil lied for Y/N. The guards asked to check his place as it was mandatory and orders from the Queen. Techno's eyes were concerned as he helped Y/N hide upstairs, He grabbed her wrist with eye contact.

Y/N followed him upstairs and to his room, he went inside with her and locked the door. "You have to leave" He said in a sort of whisper, Y/N's eyes went wide. "My cloak is downstairs-" She spoke fast. A knock on the bedroom could be heard and her heart went fast, this was it.

"It's Tommy- I got you know who's cloak" Tommy said through the door as Techno opened it and peered outside. Tommy passed the cloak through the gap and the eldest took it. The girl whispered a thank you as she left through the window, putting on her mask as leaving through the shadows of the back yard.

Guards were everywhere, patrolling the streets and talking to every passer-by. She needed to keep out of sight of these armed men. The shadows were the safest bet. She crept keeping her head low as she made her way back to the palace. She only left for their sake, you never know what the guards would do to her friends. And if it good, she still didn't want to risk it.

She put her hands in the pockets and felt an abnormal piece of paper, taking it out she realised it was from Tubbo. A smile graced her face as she read the note, Tommy must have slipped it in.

Dear Y/N

Hey! It's your friend Tubbo :) I'm sorry we haven't spoke in a while. My father's asked for help decorating my room in Manberg. This place is nice, I really like it here. The only problem is it takes hours to travel back and forth. So, I can only stay every other week at Philza's house. I hope we can see each other soon since I have a lot to tell you in person!

Love you N/N!


"I love you to Tubs" She said under her breathe. She passed the pub again, this time guards were asking everyone if they saw the Princess. It was also closing, it was about 5am.

She slipped back in the palace walls and climbed back to her room using the rope she used to escape the confinements. She opened the window and slipped back inside, tugging at the rope and placing it under her bed. While closing the window the lights turned on. In a swift moment, Y/N turned around to see her mother standing at the door frame, staring in her inner soul.

"Princess Y/N L/N of Relzic." She said in a stern tone, Y/N coward. She didn't like when her mother used her full name and title, she knew she was in big trouble,

"Explain yourself" She spat through gritted teeth, her stern eyes coursed through Y/N's inner soul. The girl tried to speak but ultimately failed, looking towards the ground.

"Nothing? You better speak this instant young lady." She spoke again, this voice was more stern than the rest.

Y/N's mouth turned to a smile when she realised she just tricked all the guards in the kingdom. "What in earth are you smiling about? Just wait 'til your father hears about this." That sentence angered Y/N

"He's not my father." She mumbled so quietly. It was strange that the queen even heard.

"Yes he is." The Queen replied, another quick glance at Y/N happened and her face turned to disgust. "What are you wearing?!" She walked angelically towards the girl, touching her cloak and mask. "This isn't what a princess wears!" She continued.

"Seems like it is." She spoke back "Since I am a princess and wearing this."

"Don't you dare speak back to me. Change into proper attire this instant and get some sleep, we have very important news to tell you tomorrow." The Queen stared at Y/N for a bit more, before turning around and leaving through the door. The maid who ratted her out came in the instant the Queen left to get night clothes for her lady.

"Don't you dare speak back to me" Y/N mimicked, twirling around in her room. Her cloak swayed behind her, creating a draft.

"This isn't what a princess wears!" She continued, picking up a sword and swaying that as well. Her blood was boiling, her mother changed for the worst.

1452 words

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