[42] Parents [42]

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The royal guard steps foot outside the castle walls of Relzic, to bring the bad news to the parents of Y/N about her disappearance. With a note of what to say in hand he steps forward into the castle walls, rereading it over and over again to not mess it up. The man took a deep breath, readying himself to tell them before knocking on the grand tall oak door. Seconds later it opening to reveal a maid, who Y/N knew as Niki.

The girl had a sweet voice, her hands clasping in front of her and her head turned slightly to the side as she saw the armour on the person. "Hello, how may I help you? Do you need me to get someone.. where is Y/N?" That was when Niki looked around the guard, the girl not in sight.

Niki was told if a guard of the higher kingdom was here, it was more likely bringing the Princess back to her home. But she was no where to be seen, Niki averted her gaze back to the armoured man with confused features.

"May I see the Queen and King of this kingdom? I have.. um. I have bad news" As soon as the man said those last words, Niki's facial features glowed with fear and surprise.

"O-Of course, please follow me, they are having dinner at this moment" It came out as stutters, Niki going through her mind of all the bad things that could happen to the Princess, scaring the girl even more. The guard nodded and followed her down the corridor as different people closed the door.

As they walked down the hallway, different maids eye lit up, before realising the Princess were no where near. The faces morphed to confusion, the same that Niki's has done, and saying hello to the guest, that little do they know would ruin their days, months or years.

"They are right in here," Niki nodded yet again before opening the door and disrupting the atmosphere of the dinner hall. Y/N's mother turning her head to the maid, before moving her eyes to the guard. "Your highness', the guard brings bad news. If we could have your time for a few minutes, I don't think this could wait" The girl tried to answer the majority of the questions off the bat,

The Queen grasped the napkin plated on her lap, wiping her hands before setting it down on the side of her plate. "Of course," All the people's heads turned to the already distraught guard, seeing all of the happiness in the castle and him coming to ruin it with his words set him into a down spiral. "You may start"

"Your daughter Y/N was deemed missing-" He said it straight away, the king's head snapped to the guard as he heard the words. "yesterday at midnight. There was no trace of her leaving, or no trace of kidnap."

"The Prince reported that he couldn't see anything from his window, and that he was with her most the day and she seemed perfectly content" The guard stumbled over the words that played at his head,

"The kingdom sends their condolences, and I am sorry we couldn't do anything else to stop them. We have ordered guards to search everywhere in the kingdom's nearby and in the forests, also the kingdom of Manberg" He added on the end, moving his own eyes away from their gaze.

"If any of you have any information to help, then we will gladly take it with the search the Prince ordered. Prince Sapnap and George as well as Lord Ranboo are also on these search teams, trying their best to find her. Yet again, we are very sorry about this, and when she is found we will come to you immediately." The man concluded, finally looking at the eyes of everyone.

"No.. Nonono.. My Y/N?" The Queen was looking down on her clean plate of food, in the middle of the announcement other staff wandered in the room after hearing in the halls.

"This must be a joke, right?" The King added, his voice angry. But when seeing the guards face still, his eyes turned sad.

"I didn't think she would," Niki mumbled at the end, seemingly knowing something. But no one picked up on it.

"She wouldn't of just-" The Queen used gestures, they were fast and annoyed.

"Sweetie, calm down. I'm sure she is okay. I will make sure of it" The King trailed off, leaving the silence of mourn in it's wake.

That was probably the hardest thing that poor guard had to do.



hello beautiful people

i wrote this a while ago when i was having a bad day, it had just been sitting in a hidden part i made with all the things i have already written. 

love you all! hope you had a great day :)

798 words

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