[48] Alive? [48]

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He swung down onto her head, she felt immense pain coarse through her skull, feeling her bones snap. And everything went black.

Then a bright white showed blinding her, everything was the fluorescent white. Everything too bright. There was no furniture or differentiative accents either, just the walls and floor. But there was a figure, a person she knew all too well.
"Y/N" The person spoke, his purple hoodie with the green swirl showed his true self. 

Karl walked over to her, examining the wound that didn't even hurt. "Karl? Wha-"

"I don't have long, Princess. There is things you must know."

"This is the 'afterlife' of some sort, I managed to disrupt you going to the original afterlife with something special in the locket of yours. You will probably be going back in about 2 minutes," He looked at the pocket watch, estimating the time.

"So I really died?" Y/N asked, Karl quickly nodded. 
"Well, not for long. Make sure to open your locket the farthest it can go. That will make it heal quicker,"

"I-" Y/N stuttered, her hand still holding the fragile necklace. She listened to what she had to do. "What's in it?"

"I don't have time for questions. Please, when you get back, go straight to Dream. No if's or buts, alright?" Karl continued to rush, his eyes piercing the ticking object.

She took a quick glance around, thinking she heard something abnormal. "He is in the main event area in Manberg. Do you understand?"

Y/N hummed with uncertainty, "Open the locket all the way and go to Dream in main event area in Manberg" She repeated with a shaky voice,

"1 minute.. I'll see you soon"

Her vision started to blur as she saw Karl's eyes widen. He did it. He saved her.


Black faded to real life, Y/N was freaking out. Her head was full of pain, her lifeless body was sprawled on the ground. Someone was crying over her. Karl's rules continued in her head, she had to complete them.

When she shakily opened her eyes, a green sort of light was emitting from the sides of the purple locket. Schlatt was fields away from her, leaned on his elbows with a shocked expression. His once mint condition axe was now split in half, Techno's eyes were widened and the people holding onto him was cowering away.

The people behind her was also just staring at the barely surviving girl, Tommy was kneeled by her side. "She's fucking breathing!" The boy called to his father,
She was beyond weak, her head hurt, her skull felt shattered. And nothing really changed about the immense pain all over her body

Y/N was so glad she could just take a breath, and she was glad she didn't die.

Unclasping the side and opening it all the way, a little wooden doll with emerald eyes was disintegrating with the green light, Y/N tried to stumbled to her feet. Falling back to the floor once she tried, Techno was out of the others grip, going to the girl to check on her. Tommy making he lean against him, marvelling at the fact of the green light.

The girl stuttered, the next part of the rules were next.

She need to get to Dream.
"Y/N leave. Now. Please" Techno rushed over his words, helping Y/N to her feet. Tommy standing up next to her.

The green light acted like threads and needles, sewing the big axe shaped like gash in her head to make it one again. She stumbled in her arms, "How-"

"Y/N please" He looked at where Schlatt was, he was getting up slowly, clutching his stomach and groaning in pain.

Her ears were ringing as she hastily looked around at her surroundings. She should have died. Karl.
"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Tommy's voice was muffled

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