[43] Soulmate [43]

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"Y/N!" Phil called from downstairs at the still sleeping girl, she groaned with sleep and flipped over to the other side. "Y/N" He tried again with a sigh, some incoherent mumbling followed.

The next thing she knew she was getting shaken awake by Tommy, "Bitch! Get the fuck up"

"Five more minutes" She mumbled into the pillow, the covers over her getting pulled away in more of an attempt to wake her up. The cold hit her fast.
"Come on Y/N," Another voice said near the door that sounded like Techno, but she wasn't too sure with her asleep mind.

"What time is it?" She continued to mumble, opening her eyes slowly and squinting at the brightness from the open curtains.

"Like 1pm, we let you sleep in" The voice was definitely Techno, him leaning on the wood of the walls while the smaller bundled up the blanket at the end of the bed.

"Then let me sleep in longer" Y/N whined, hiding away from the sun but sitting up anyway due to the child being annoying.
"Tubs wants to build snowman's and said to wake you up," Tommy was more calm then before, finally stepping back, "Also Phil made food" He added,


"Dream, can I come in?" Puffy said through the door. 

Dream opened his eyes groggily, his head in his hands and where it rested at. Lifting his head slightly and getting blinded by the sun. Blinking rapidly when his name was called yet again. "Dream, sweetie. Please?"

His throat felt tied up, looking around and realised that Y/N still wasn't there. Leaning away from the window and onto his knees, "Come in" Dream said in a small voice, looking outside to the green trees and the flowers that broke him slightly.

He heard the door open a couple seconds after, Dream didn't look at it though. "Dream, the chefs have brought you some food" The voice called behind him, progressively getting louder as she grew closer. "Would you like me to place it on the table?"

"I'm okay" He murmured,

Puffy just looked at him in disbelief. "You haven't eaten since she left" The maid saw him straighten himself out, "I'm sorry, but you have to eat"

He was silent, "Place it on the table, thank you" Was all he said to make her smile slightly, placing the tray on the table as she noticed the cornflowers. 

Puffy was hurting as well, most the people she grew close to hurt. She left for a few days, then Y/N left the whole castle. Some part of her thinks if just she was there, maybe Y/N wouldn't have.

"Hey, Puffy?" Her name brought her back to the Prince she had to take care of, due to Y/N's wishes. Humming for him to continue as she cleaned around. "Do you miss her?"

"Of course I do, most of the staff as well. Especially Sam and Bad." Puffy answered truthfully, picking up the odd rubbish and putting it in the trash.

".. Will she come back?"

"I'm sorry my duckling. I don't know myself, but we all hope she would" Puffy stopped what she was doing to have all her attention on the boy, who never stopped looking at the flowers. The chrysanthemum to shorten it down.

He went silent, Puffy walked to his side, sitting herself beside him. He moved over slightly, letting her have more room when he felt her presence.
"We know Y/N, I'm sure she will be back." The maid brushed some stray strands of hair out of his eyes,

Dream turned to face her for the first time since she left, Puffy saw the darks circles under his eyes, mostly red from his constant crying. His hair wasn't kept like it normally is, and he looked tired in general. Dream also had the habit of biting his lips when he was in a bad state of mind, Puffy knew that information from when she first got the got.

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