[28] Dark [28]

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Song in the part: Welcome Home, son - Radical Face

Princess Y/N spent the whole day just reminiscing on the past, the past life she used to have with her father. It was getting dark out. And Y/N was getting hungry.

The girl stood from her seat at her desk, completely leaving the letter she was writing to her mother. Walking and pushing the door to her room quietly, tredding into the hallway and seeing no one there. All the doors shut and there was no light emitting from the gap and the bottom. Y/N walked to the stairs, stopping at the top to try and remember which stair makes noise.

She then travelled down the steps, her hand lightly skimming the railing that went spiraling down the side. Y/N jumped off the the last step, to her knowledge was the creaky one, and came down to the floor with a thud.

The girl straightened her out and started walking down the corridors, looking around to see any sign that she was going the right way. Some doors that she remembered came into the distance, making her go a little faster in the direction.

Her feet led her to a cross road of diffrent corridors, stopping right in the middle. Behind her was the door to the grand hall, where they normal eat their foods. Everything was dark, the only light source was the oil sconces on the walls, some green wallpaper behind it.
Some end tables were dotted around the floor near these walls, a nice dark wood with some decorations on top. Pictures and painting were also hanged on the walls, some of recent royals and some were a boy in the picture with his family. The boy looked familiar to the boy she met on the streets those years ago.

But she brushed it off, saying it was probably the friends of the family. She would probably ask Dream.

But something was also keeping her eyes glued, the jarred open door of the ball room. She could make out the sight of the moon still on the floor, the lights from the windows making bars of light on the floor.

The girl completely forgot her mission of getting a midnight snack, wandering off to the large room. Opening it with a light hand, making the door swing open slowly. No one was in there.

To her knowledge, this door was supposed to be locked shut. She doesn't know why, but only important events may be held in there. But it was open for anyone. She was sure they forgot or thought no one would go in there.

It looked odd to Y/N not seeing the amount of diffrent people in their own groups across the floor, no staff were also present.
The tables and chairs were stacked in the corner, the normal bunting that went across the space between the two balcony weren't there. She could acctually see the stairs going up to these platforms now.

Her shoes made a mind for themselves, moving her to the middle of the lowered platform at the center of the room. The moonlight cascading onto her body and she looked side to side and the barren decorations.

No one was awake, she was pretty sure anyway. A familiar tune entered her mind, something she hasn't heard in years. Her fathers voice embedded by the string of Wilbur's guitar. All of it colliding together to make the song that she was close to tears with.

Phil used to sing it to her after her father's pass, knowing it was the song he used to sing. Wilbur on her birthday when her mother was away, learned the song on his musical instrument, making Y/N smile when her mind was clouded.

But he just stopped one day, saying her mother told him not to. Saying it was bringing back dark memories of the late father and that Y/N didn't need that.
Her mother also told Philza to stay away from her daughter, which they don't really talk about.

Wilbur made an effort to teach her how to play it on guitar, showing her the strings to strum and the tune to play. That was what Wilbur showed her,
Techno showed her how to fight, knowing that the people in their school will find out and most likely put it all on the girl.

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