[16] Breakfast [16]

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Present time


Of course it was Dream. That was the last person she saw before her sleep overtook her like a wave. He was the last person she saw before magically teleporting to her bed. Y/N sighed, stretching out her arms and sitting up in the bed. She glanced at the door, seeing the paper bag she bought with all the things inside.

A soft knock was on the door as she figured out she was still in the same clothes as before. "Princess?" A familiar voice was muffled by the door, 

"Come in" She called once she got out of her bed and walked to the paper bag. Swiping it up and hiding it. Puffy emerged through the now open door with a smile, before seeing what I slept in.

"You slept in a belt? Weren't you uncomfortable?" She spoke, a concerned tone in her voice as she basically ran towards the wardrobe.

"I didn't realise actually, just exhausted from the Ball probably" She let out a nervous chuckle after. Now she said ball, she realised the pounding headache from the alcohol.

"Oh yes! How was that event?" Puffy conversed, starting the conversation.

They talked for a bit about what happened, and who she danced with. Y/N skipped over the voices and Isabella though, not really processing them properly. The headache only got worse as Puffy shifted through t-shirts and clothes. The end result being a black jumpsuit with gold accessories. Some combat boots in the mix as well. Y/N was ready for breakfast after the other told her about the remedy's they are going to serve.

Y/N knew where the hall was so Puffy left her be for a coupe minutes, telling Y/N what time it starts. The girl walked around her room aimlessly, taking the random things from her cloak and putting them in respectful places. Walking towards the vanity, a note with a cream piece of paper was placed there. The confused girl walked up to it, only noticing it was a note from Dream himself.



You passed out outside the hedge so i had to carry you to your room. I though you died how you just fell, maybe don't do that next time. 
i'll see you at breakfast, I heard George is going to save you and Minx a seat near the top so they don't ditch me again

never in my life have i seen someone just pass out standing up just for them to be asleep,

also i stole a kit kat from your bag as pay, sorry not sorry

dream :)


Her eyes followed the words on the page before looking at where she hid the bag. How dare he steal her food. And a freaking KitKat as well. Y/N tutted before folding the note back up and tossing it in the trash, checking the time on the clock and left the room without any extra movement.

The hallways had people emerging rom their rooms, Princess's from different kingdoms with their maids. She stayed to herself, walking down the stairs and in the direction of the hall. She knew where it was from being travelled there twice now, the second time memorized the path.

The winding staircase took ages, every step felt like it took a minute so once she was down on ground floor she let out an exasperated sigh. As she approach the grand oak doors to the hall, it was then she realised that she hasn't seen Karl for a while. It's like he teleported put the castle, or is somewhere she couldn't see. Either way, she didn't even see him at the ball. And nearly everyone was there.

The guards on either side of the door bowed at the girls presence, she nodded her head as a thank you and opened the door for her. The headache getting worse by the second.

Minx was already at the table with George and Sapnap. Dream was no where to be seen. Minx was first to notice her, waving at her to come sit. Y/N obliged, walking to sit next to George, opposite of Sapnap and next to Dream. Of course.

She saw Isabella side eye her and narrow at her. Like a muted threat. Y/N tried to ignore, seeing George with 5 empty glasses already. One full of a remedy. "Is your head okay?" Sapnap asked once she settled in her seat,

"It hurts, How much did I drink? holy shit" She questioned herself, letting a light chuckle from George.
"I can't even remember past that dance with the random Princess" George spoke, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"Mine's fine, just a little hurt." Minx spoke, taking a drink of her water. Sapnap agreed with Minx.

"Where did you get that? I need some" Y/N asked George, who called a maid and asked for some in Y/N's honour.

Then the doors opened, showing Dream who looked like he was in pain. Y/N subconsciously smiled at that, before stopping herself. He came and sat in his chair with a yawn. "Morning" Was all he said before asking for the remedy like George did.

The other four copied his words, some drained and some energetic. "Didn't sleep well?" Sapnap asked, grabbing his coffee. Dream nodded as the same maid dropped off the two drinks, leaving swiftly after to tend to the other royals.

She immediately grabbed the glass and tilted her head back, letting the mixture go into her throat before finishing. The glass came back to the table with the sound of glass touching, Dream did the same shortly after his brain processed what is happening.

"It looks like you didn't sleep" Minx commented, her glass still in her hand while watching you devour your substance. It seemed to do wonders to you.

Then the food came out, a normal English breakfast placed on a plate. The chefs served it, "Your welcome by the way" Dream spoke, aiming it towards Y/N who just scoffed.

"Whatever" She said back, leaving the other three confused.
"Focking what?" Minx asked, looking between the two with the same pace.

"Don't worry about it, just wanting some manners from this person from helping her" Dream sighed, taking his utensils
"Thank you. Now shut the fuck up" Y/N replied doing the same and stabbing her sausage.



shorter but whatever

triple update!!! wooooo next part being the tour thingy

any questions, please ask i dont mind

@mads_592 here is my completion from the challenge

ily all! no more tonight but soon ; ) <3

1053 words

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