[25] Hey.. [25]

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Y/N sighed, walking her normal route to Tubbo's home with Bad again. It was quiet out, the birds tweeting and muffled noises from the inside of the homes that the street housed. The bunting of the kingdom's colours still crossed between the houses, you could also see people's laundry hanging in the wind. She even caught word of some of the people around her, talking about the big fight that happened at the ball. 

"Ignore them muffins, they don't understand what they are ta-" Bad got interrupted by a passer-by,

"Princess Y/N?!" They exclaimed, gaining the attention of everyone around her. They started to swarm, making Bad have to push them away from the girl as lightly as possible.

"What happened at the palace yesterday?"
"Was there really a fight?"
"Princess, weren't you involved?"
"Princess Y/N! Why did Isabella leave last night?"
"How is the palace?!"
"Princess Y/N, do you even want to be here?"
"Princess, why are you outside?"
"I can't believe you are even this far in,"

They continued, spewing question among question at the girl. Some boys were even catcalling her, telling her that they should be with them instead of the Prince. People weren't minding their business and asking about the bruise on her cheek. People were saying she wasn't right for the prince, saying he deserved Princess Isabella.

Y/N just wanted to scream, and Bad could tell she was spiralling in her own thoughts. He called for backup as they start to get closer, prodding her with the personal questions of her kingdom. Nobody was helping her instead of the guard, nobody knew the thoughts in her head.

The voices. They were loud yet again. Wanting to push or stab everyone that was surrounding her by all sides, wanting to have blood, wanting to kill.
There was one person who she wanted,
Which confused her as well,

Y/N wanted Dream.

And she knew she couldn't have him.

"Did you have a fight with Isabella?"
"Why didn't you hit her back?"
"I bet you cried to Dream after."
"You ruined the whole event."
"Why did you say those things to the poor Princess."
"Should've punched you harder."
"Princess, are you alright?"
"That must've hurt, poor you."
"I heard you hurt her harder."

But the voices were countering it, saying that she should've hit her harder. Y/N just wanted to go home. She shouldn't have even come out today, everyone was still talking about it. Y/N turned to Bad as other guards rushed over to them for crowd control. That consisted of Sam, Punz and Skeppy. "Can we go home?" She murmured, Bad nodded, signalling the others to follow.

All Y/N wanted to do was see Dream,
She normally wanted to see Phil or Techno. Or even Tommy,
But no. Dream.

The guards surrounded her as they walked back,

"Princess! Where are you going?"
"We have questions!"
"Why are you being such a pussy?!"

The girl tried to calm herself down, the voices boomed louder with everything that came out of their mouths. She swore she could see Schlatt in the far distance, just looking with a smirk engraved on his lips. The same smirk as in the house, the day of the Masquerade. Y/N didn't like it.

"Princess Y/N!"
"Princess come back!"
"Hey! We were talking to you."
"How rude."
"And you say you value your people."

Y/N tried to block it out, starting to see the blood splatters and freaking her out. The things Phil and Techno told her to do, it wasn't working. Nothing was working.

"Get, get Dream- Get Dream. Please" Y/N said in a choked out voice, her breaths were sporadic. Sam basically ran up the stairs to Dream's office as the rest tried to calm her down.

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