[30] Cancel [30]

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"Sapnap, I don't know what to do" Dream was pacing around his office, picking random things and placing them back down with a huff. Sapnap had his arms crossed, leaning on the wooden door with knowing eyes.

"You love her dude. Just cancel the whole thing and be with her" He said it like it was simple,
"It's not that simple Sap, I don't even know if she likes me back. She's been ignoring me for some reason" The boy sat with a sigh on his desk chair, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"Then ask,"
"Sapnap. I can't just ask, how many times do I have to tell you" Dream's voice turned to anger, Sapnap just raised his eyebrows at him as he tried to calm himself down.

"You are working yourself up for nothing, if you don't get her soon I might have to jump in" He said in a joking tone, but Dream just glared at him. "I'm joking" He repeated over and over again, moving his hands as defence.

"You could just go to Quackity. Right now. And say, I love Y/N. Cancel the whole thing" Sapnap put on a voice for what Dream could say, but Dream just sighed.

"But, the friendship. What if I confess and she hates me?" Dream questioned, his voice hushed.

There was a knock at the door, which startled Sapnap and Dream. "Come in" He tried to make himself look busy, he couldn't be bothered to be a Prince today.

Sapnap moved out the way as the door opened, showing George with some snacks. "I told you, we don't need the snacks George" Sapnap sighed, closing the door behind the boy as he walked in. Dream sighed in relief.

"I can't believe you aren't just cancelling it right now. You are clearly in love." George dropped the food on a chair, sitting in the one beside it. Now his sigh became anger yet again,

"I can't do that! She doesn't love me back, I know she doesn't" Dream looked down at the table as the others give him a sad glance.

"You never know that, I bet she is up in her room now, stressing as well. Okay?" George said in a calm voice,

"Yeah. Sure" Sacrasm was embedded in his words, putting his forehead on the table in front of him. The paperwork spread around the desk that he was just too mentally exhausted to do.

"Dude. You can't just lock yourself in here, go talk to her" He gestured to the closed door,

Dream brought his head up, glancing at the picture of his parents. A little smile was finally on his lips as he straightened himself out,
"I'm going for a walk" He got out of his chair, now the other two boys gave eachother worried looks.

"Dream, no. Not while you are like this" George got out of his chair and put both hands on the tallers shoulders.

"I'm perfectly fine to go outside, let me through" The man grumbled, trying to get past the smaller as he moved himself to block his way.

"You aren't sit down." Sapnap ordered him, baracading the door with his own body. Dream continued to glare at the two,

"Dream, please sit. Come on" George said, sympathy laced in his words. With a final glare, Dream sat back down.

His elbow rested on the arm rest, the hand loosely covering his mouth. "Why can't I?"

"Come on now. You are clearly not mentally stable," Sapnap still stood near the door,
"What do you like about her?" George tried to make conversation, but it just made Dream spiral more.

"I like her smile when I say something stupid. I like whenever I complement her she just rolls her eyes and doesn't accept it. I like the way she can be so helplessly adorable and when she gets tired she just becomes, what's the word.."

Dream clicks his fingers and finger guns Sapnap, "Yeah, and" Dream continues to just list everything that he just finds amazing about the girl.

George felt his own control vibrate twice, looking over to Sapnap when Dream wasn't looking and holds up two fingers. Sapnap's features light up from boredom and smirks.


"Y/N, are you okay? You've been so quiet" Minx asked, sitting on the girl's bed. Y/N was pacing her room with the letter in hand, scanning over that one paragraph constantly and freaking herself out.

"I'm perfectly fine, just. Just a little confused about what my mother wrote to me," She stopped for a breath, her mind racing at 100 miles per hour at everything.

Minx arrived a couple minutes ago with snacks, putting them on a chair and sitting on her bed.
"Is it about Dream?" Minx continued to ask, disregarding Y/N's lie. Freezing Y/N in place. "It is, isn't it?"

Her silence said everything, her head slowly looking at her friend with glossy eyes. Y/N vowed she wouldn't tell anyone, but here she was, outing herself out to one of her best friends.

"Wait, really?" Minx's features lit up, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Y/N hummed, looking away and being skittish. Minx got up out of the bed, "Why are you thinking of him? Did anything happen?"

Y/N was quiet, "I-" She stopped, taking a breath and closing her eyes to calm herself down. "Minx, I think I love him"

Minx's face turned into a smirk, "Oh my god, seriously?" Y/N sheepishly nodded, Minx's hands coming to the others shoulders to shake her back and forth.

The women kept repeating oh my god, over and over again. "My baby is growing up" Minx said in a fake sad voice, wiping away a fake tear. Y/N stared in disbelief.

"I'm only 3 years younger then you, calm down" Y/N's voice was filled to the brim in sarcasm.
"Don't you dare speak to your fake mother like that" Minx tutted, before bursting out laughing and having having move herself away for her to calm down. Y/N joined in with the laughter.

As Minx was away, she pressed the button in her hand twice. Making a code for George, saying she liked him back.



I love you all! I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night. I unpublished Dark and re published it after writing some more.

Dream do be spiraling

Go get some food and a drink, you all deserve the world

1087 words

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