[2] The Letter [2]

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Y/N woke up an hour ago for her usual classes. She was taught how to be a proper princess, like; Manners of a princess, How to act like royalty, Your posture as a royalty, How to speak like royalty and other weird classes. Y/N never listens to them, she used to pretend for her mother's sake since it made her happy. But now her mother's just lost respect in her daughter so Y/N doesn't show respect back.

Her step-father shows a lot more respect to his step-daughter. As well as her step-brothers. They all show her respect that you would think her own mother would, but that's not the reality she's living. Right now her tutor was teaching her how to probably drink tea from a tea cup.

"Why is there a proper way to drink tea?" She questioned, already over this 2 hours of school.

"Don't ask me sweetie. Just because I'm a tutor doesn't mean I know everything." The tutor replied, she was over teaching the girl who didn't listen.

"Well you should if your teaching. Might need to tell my mother-" She playfully threatened, she wouldn't actually but she knew if this tutor stopped, no body else would teach the so called princess.

"Yeah, Yeah. Let's go over it again" The tutor rolled her eyes playfully back, than guided the youngest.


Hours pass of constant classes and mannerisms, Y/N was getting tired near the end and asked to be excused. Her mother allowed her to have a 'nap'. In reality, she was just going to send letters to her friends to pass the time, and maybe train in the royal gardens.

She skipped her way upstairs, closing the door swiftly after her. She sat down and wrote a letter to reply to her friend in Manberg.

To my dearest friend, Tubbo

Heyo! It's great to hear from you Tubs. I'm missing you a lot. The every other week in perfectly fine, I just wish I wasn't at Philza's only around nightfall. Tommy seems to miss you as well. Maybe you should write to him instead of me since you guys knew each other since Tommy's birth. Royal life's been hard also, I got caught sneaking out last night. It was hilarious that i could sneak under the royal guards' noses in the streets.

I hope you and your father are getting along also, you sound so happy through paper and I wish it would stay that way. I love you sooo much

- N/N

She sealed the envelope with a kiss as a bird landed on her windowsill. Perfect She thought as she tied the paper to the foot and set the creature off again. A knock on the door ruined the comfortable silence of her bedroom.

"Come in" She called, looking towards the door to see who is bothering her.

"Princess, you have a visitor." A maid she hasn't quite seen before opened the door, she looked sweet.

"Thank you.." She trailed off

"Nihachu miss" Nihachu sensed she was looking for her name, a smile was on her face as she greeted the higher class.

"I'll call you Niki. Thank you, tell them I'll be down in just a bit." The princess smiled back.

Niki left the room, softly closing the door behind her to give the princess some privacy. A visitor? Y/N rarely gets people coming directly to the castle to meet with only her, so she had a right to be confused on who it would be.

She hurried herself to look presentable, even if the queen didn't respect her. She didn't want a bad name for the King. A light bit of makeup later and a f/c dress, she walked down the stairs. Niki greeted her at the bottom and showed her to where she let the person in.

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