[8] Town [8]

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Y/N woke up in a cold sweat. She sat up in her bed, hyperventilating. All that was going through her head was that nightmare and the voices. It was so vivid to her. "That nightmare again.." She murmured. Once she calmed herself down she looked around, remembering where she is. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked outside, the sun was rising. Bringing light waves into the room.

Y/N let out a yawn and swung her feet of the bed, sitting on the edge of her bed. A knock on the door rang through the room, "Come in" She spoke groggily. Getting out of her bed.

Puffy opened the door and walked in the room with a smile, closing the door as her body passed it. "Good morning Princess" Puffy said cheerfully. "Do you want any help choosing your clothes?"

The girl let out an agreeing sound, stretching her arms out. Puffy nodded in return, moving towards the closet. "Oh, a bird dropped you off a letter when I came to check on you. I didn't read it, I just saw your name on the paper"  She said, opening the closet doors and sifting through the various clothes. Y/N just realised the wrapped up letter on the nightstand.

"Thank you" Y/N conveyed, picking up the letter and opening it slightly. She noticed it was from Techno. Puffy just smiled and continued to take out clothes to find a good pair.

The letter told Y/N that Techno found a way to leave at night, through the bushes on the far left of the Royal gardens. "Hey Puffy?" She spoke, moving her gaze from the paper to the girl in front of her.

"Hm?" Puffy replied, who kept looking at the clothes.

"Can I leave the castle to go down town?" Y/N asked, rolling up the paper and placing it back down on the nightstand.

"I don't see why not, you might need a guard though. I can ask if you wish" This time her eyes moved over to the girl sat on the bed,

"Yes please," Y/N got off of the bed and went to look outside. The maid got the clothes and brought them to the girl,

"Your clothes," She placed them in Y/N's hands with a nod. "I'll go ask now, be right back princess." She nodded and excused herself, leaving Y/N in the room by herself.

She got herself changed with the clothes recently provided to her. She looked at herself in the mirror, slightly spinning a watching the skirt flow. Puffy chose a light blue dress to match Wilbur's necklace, her H/C coloured hair swayed with the skirt. She played with the chain of the necklace, staring into her inner soul.

Puffy walked back in the room, "He said you can, but as I thought a guard must go as well." A smile was on her face, Y/N returned the gesture with a thank you.


On the letter Techno also put down the address and luckily the guard knew where it was. Manberg was beautiful, streamers and strings of the national colours were attached to the houses, stringing across the paths.

Market stalls were set up with people serving the citizens, calling out their sales and prices. Some stalls were rivalling, yelling at the other to make the stall somewhere else. People stared at Y/N and her guard accompany, the sound of metal scraping together brought them attention Y/N didn't really desire.

They closed down the street Technoblade's carriage once turned into. The guard was stiff and observant, if anyone came neat the two he put his hand on the sword clasped on his belt, just to scare. Every time this happened Y/N told him to stand down, and he did reluctantly did as he was commanded. He nodded to a 2 story house, "Is this the place?" Y/N asked, spectacle on his intentions.

He nodded in return, he wasn't the normal talker. "Thank you" She nodded back, walking up to the door. There was this kind of patterned knock Y/N would do, so they know its her. Tubbo opened the door with a huge smile,
"Y/-" He froze at the guard, who was standing menacingly behind the princess. His face fell, looking back at Y/N with confusion in his eyes.

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