Chapter 3

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(Unedited but continue if you wish!)

Avia's P.O.V:

"What do you mean we should take her off of life support? No, I will not do that to Colette! The kids love her and if they find out they don't have a mother it could kill them! I don't want them to suffer." Grandma screamed at the nurse.

I watched them. Grandpa, Uncle Casey, Aunt Kayli, and Carlie were in back of the grandma.

"No! I don't care what you-" Grandma said before she got interrupted.

"Excuse me! Mrs. Butler and Mr. Butler, right?" The doctor said as he ran up too the family.

"Yes, what is it." Grandpa said frantically. The whole family was just watching them.

"Daxton and Christina Butler are recovering. Daxton had to get a cast on his arm. And thankfully, Christina is fine except with a few cuts." The doctor explained.

"How about the others ." Grandma asked.

"They are still recovering, but you may be allowed to see Daxton and Christina." The doctor said. And just like that, they were off and running to their room. I followed them. They were running very fast.

"Wait!" I said, half expecting them to look back at me. But they didn't here me and kept running. I sighed, and then I remembered, they couldn't here me. I followed them anyways. I ran around nurses and doctors. It would feel weird to run inside of them. Like, what if I saw there like organs or something.

I caught up to them. The nurse was showing them were Daxton and Christina were. The family was hugging them. I went in for a hug and just like that someone stepped I front of me.

Well, your invisible to them genius, of course they can't see you.

I walked past the family and walked up to where the little ones were. I walked up to the little ones. I looked at Daxton. He looked healthy and so did Christina. I sighed, thank god. I walked over to them. I kissed each and every one of their foreheads. They didn't feel it, but I did. However, Christina looked at me when I kissed her. I stared at her when she stated at me.

We were like that for a little while. I smiled and so did she. She tried to reach for me and I let her. So, she could see me. I was confused. Then she looked into my eye.

"Everything will be alright." She said. I gasped. How did she talk.

"B-but, how?" I asked her. Then she turned her gaze towards Daxton. I sighed, she couldn't see me anymore. She probably never did, maybe I was hallucinating. Pretty soon, the family took Daxton and Christina home. Aunt Carlie and grandma stayed at the hospital. The rest went home. I followed them. They went to sit in the waiting room. The waiting room was quiet, only a elderly couple watching the time. They seemed so focus on something that didn't matter to me as much now. I turned my attention towards my relatives. I listened to their conversation even though it was rude.

"But when are they going to wake up?! How long will it be until the kids wake up or worse." Carlie said as she cried into grandmas chest. Tears went to my eyes. But then they faded. I wasn't giving up now, I was going to make sure that nothing happened to my family. And with that I got up and walked away.

Hey guys! How was this chapter? I am sorry for the lack of updates, but I have one question. How do you like the new cover? I tried, 😂 lol. Anyways, thanks and bye!~ Diana😮

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