Chapter 12

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"And baby A is a girl!" The doctor said, as she carried my. we little baby sister away. Mom was crying tears of joy, and dad was vlogging it too. Emmi and I had the biggest smile on our faces.

"Ow!" Mom said, as she clutched her stomach, and scrunched her face in pain. Mom was in pain, as Emmi and I were confused on what was happening. Was it twins?

"Okay, I see another head! Keep pushing!" The nurse said, as mom kept pushing. We had already seen it with Daxton, but twins was different.

"Wait stop pushing! There's something wrong!" The doctor said, as she pushed the nurse aside. She was looking at the baby, as she whispered something to the doctor. Dad shut the camera.

"Okay,let's take her to the O.R!" The doctor said,as they started putting this weird ca thing on mom. They started to push her out of the room, while on the bed.

"Wait, what's going on?" Dad asked as they wheeled her out of the room. Emmi and I were in back of him, quietly following him. What was happening? Why did the need to take mom out of the room?

"Sir, we don't know, all we know is you need to go to the waiting room." The doctor said, as a nurse quieted us to wait in the waiting room.

"Daddy, what is happening?" Emmi asked, as dad looked at us. He looked sad, and scared. I hope there was nothing wrong with mom, or the baby.

"I don't know sweetie." Dad said, as he planted a kiss on both of our foreheads. We were all hoping that mom and the babies were okay.


"Mr. Butler?" The female doctor said. Immediately dad got up, af motioned for us to wait by the chairs,so he could talk to the doctor alone. As we sat down, we saw dad talking to the doctor.

"What is he saying?" Emmi asked me. I shrugged and tried to listen, but they were too far away for me to here them. I sighed, as I saw dad's face drop. Instantly, I knew that thee was something wrong.

Dad said something to the doctor as he walked away. Dad came towards us. I notice that his eyes were red, as if he had been crying.

"Daddy what's wrong?" Emmi asked, as dad sighed, and sat down next to us. What had happen? Were the babies okay? Was mom okay?

"Girls, do you know how mommy was suppose to have one baby but she ended up having another one?" Dad said,as we nodded our heads.

"Will we get to see them soon?" I asked, with a smile on my face, and so did Emmi. Dad sighed, as his face dropped, and I knew so sing was definitely wrong.

"Well, the second baby, or the surprise baby, is with heavily father now." Daddy said. So one of the babies died? What had fully happened? Dad wiped a small forming tear, as so did Emmi.

"So he died?" Emmi asked, her voice filled with innocent. Our eyes were filled with tears, as dad sighed, and rubbed his temple.

"Yes Emmi, HE passed away." Dad said, as he pulled us in for a hug. I wiped my small tears that were forming in my eyes.

He would never grow up to live a life, he would never have his first milestones, loosing his first tooth, the first day of school, or whatever, his time was ended short from this world.

For the rest of the time, we spent our time mourning the loss of little Sawyer Logan Butler. But we also celebrated things such as Christina Peggie Butler, and how her and mom survived.

We had lost something and gained something on that day.

Hey guys! So I wrote this chapter, and my school starts tomorrow, so I won't be updating as much! Ill be busy with school, homework, gymnastics, etc. Also, please don't tell me to update faster, because that won't make me update faster. I wanted to make this chapter more of a flashback, this will be one of the last flashback chapters I promise. Anyways, stay tuned and shout out to shaytardsss12  because she is bae and go read her books! So yeah, ily guys my llamas and bye!🎥🚀🔥

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