Chapter 16

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"Death ends a life, not a relationship."- Tuesdays with Morrie


Avia's P.O.V:

I was swirling in a sea of blackness. I couldn't concentrate on anything, couldn't focus. All I saw was blackness. All I felt was the feeling of blackness, if that was even possible. I felt as if I was in a surrounding sea of black, and there was no way out. It was destroying me.

And it was engulfing me.

I felt my fingers go numb, my legs to numb, everything in my body, felt numb. I couldn't even move, not in real life, not in this darkness. I attempted to do some thing, to do anything, but nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to move. Nothing seemed to happen.

I tried again, to move, to do anything, but nothing worked. I even tried to scream, to make a noise, but I couldn't even here that. My eyes felt as if they were glued in place.

I wasn't sure if they were opened, or close, for all I could see and bear around me was darkness. I couldn't even move my eyes, or my mouth, or even move my fingers.

How did I end up like this? Did I fall, or did something happen to me? Why can't I move, why can't i do anything? This was not like the other times, I felt as this was different.

Then, I remembered Emmi.

She was gone.

I had to do something, if I didn't, would I be trapped here forever. Something in my body needed to move. I just wanted to scream, let me out!

Then, all of a sudden, I saw a small glimpse of a small light. The light was dim at first, but I felt as if I was getting closer and closer to it. I felt my whole body become warm, as the light came closer and closer.

Was this my way out? Maybe this light could lead me out? Out of this world thing? I didn't know what to do, if it didn't lead me out. Or at least back into the coma thing.

But mostly, I hoped this could lead me out of everything, out of these worlds, and maybe, back to Emmi.

I don't know, I am trying so hard, yet nothing is happening. I fell like a million weights are on me, for the decisions I make, on what to do.

Suddenly, the light is coming closer to me. It came so close that my face felt as if the sun was inside of it. The light was engulfing my body, and everywhere I looked, everywhere I saw was white.

I shut my eyes tightly, as tight as I could. The sensation, of the light had gone away, as confusion swept over me.

I opened my eyes, as I saw the familiar sight come into view. I looked around, hoping my eyes were deceiving me.

I was back at the hospital. I saw the familiar walls, of the children's ICU. I saw the familiar nurse walking around the rooms, or at the front desk.

"Damn it! I thought I was so close!" I said, as I curled my hand into a fist. I squeezed my knuckles, tight. I contained my rage, one of the only things I have felt since I got into this coma, besides anger, madness, and sadness.

I just wanted to be with Emmi, was that so hard to ask for? Was that so hard? I have tried to get out of this damn thing for so long, and it wasn't working.

Just let me be with Emmi. I can't stay in the coma thing anymore, or else I will go crazy. I needed to leave.

"Just let me be with my sister!" I screamed, as I pulled on my hair. I screamed, as I smashed into the glass. It didn't break, considering I had no real affect on it.

Then, my chest started to rise. The machines started to beep, as everything felt as if it was a speaker being out to my ear.

Just make this stop, it needed to stop. I need to to leave. I don't want to leave, I need to leave.

But then, I realized, this was my way out. Getting all the anger out, was the way to go, to get out of this thing. If I kept doing this, I would be free!

I smiled, as I continued to smash into the glass, as it never broke, because I wasn't really touching it.

I felt numb, I could feel anything, I just wanted my sister. I kept smashing into the glass, as the machines kept getting more amplified in my head. The speakers of the hospitals roared with the beeping.

My chest was rapidly shaking, as nurses and doctors ran to try to keep me alive, as they grabbed the medicine to try to help me get better.

I emptily smiled, it wasn't gonna help them. I continued to hit the glass, hard. Then, I decided to smash it with my whole body. It would get me out faster.

I ran into it, as I knocked into it hard. I hit it head first. I felt to the ground, as my head started to pound.

I heals my head in pain, as I felt everything go blurry. I kept hearing the machines in my head.

Then, the nurses disappeared. The beeping stopped, and it all disappeared. No one was here.

I got up slowly, still seeing blurry figures. I looked around, or try to. But what I definitely knew was, I was alone right now, in the hospital.

I ran into the hallway. There was no doors open. I stood in the hallway, looking. Sure enough, I was right, no one was here.

Then, everything started to disappear. I felt the pounding in my head get stronger, as I held it in pain, and finally collapsed on the floor.

Everything was disappearing, as I tried to see. My vision started to get even more blurrier, as I smiled.

I was finally getting out of here.

Everything faded around me, as I closed my eyes.


Hey guys! So there are four more chapters left after this, 17,18,19, and 20 well five counting the epilogue! Anyways, things are starting to finally happen to Emmi.

What do you think she will choose?

Also, I will let you guys know that there will be death(s) in the upcoming chapters! And also, I edited the first chapter, adding some details to it! Yeah, that's basically it! Anyways, ily my llamas and bye!💜

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