Chapter 10

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"Come on, wake up, wake up." I said, as I squinted my eyes, trying to get out of my coma. I counted three seconds before opening my eyes, expecting to be out of my coma. But instead, I found myself in the same position I was. I sighed.

How was I suppose to get out of here? I sighed in frustration, as I sat down on the chair. I don't know how I did that, I just expected to fall right through it.

Then, someone walked through the door. I looked up and saw it was my cousin, Braille. I smiled, as I leaped out up out of joy. I went to go hug her when I realized I couldn't. I sighed, as I stood there.

She walked over to my bed. I noticed there was something in her hand. I got a closer look, and saw it were red Poppy's, my favorite kind of flowers.

To me, the red color of the flowers were unique to any other kind. The red ones stood out, and looked more lively than a dull yellow, or a weird pink. That's just how I saw these types of flowers.

"Hey Av's." She said, as she sat down next to my hospital bed. I stood next to her, as both of us watched my sleeping chest rise and fall slowly.

"My mom said I only have a couple of minutes. Anyways, I just wanted to say, that you are my best friend. I may have two brothers, and I love them, but you and Emmi are sisters to me. So please, be okay." She said as she wiped a tear that had fell from her cheek.

"I'll try to. I'm trying, but nothing's working!" I exclaimed, with mixed emotions. Fear, anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness coursed through me as I said that. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Braille, let's go." A voice interrupted me from my thoughts. There Kayli stood, holding baby Winston, as he laid his chest on Kayli's shoulder. Even Kayli looked depressed from being here.

"Okay, give me two more minutes." She said, as Kayli sighed and exited from the doorway. Braille turned her head back to me. Then, she pulled something out from her pocket. It was a piece of paper, and it looked like it had some writing on it.

"I found this poem, and I thought you might like it, even though you probably can't here me." She said as she started to read it. I watched my sleeping body as I heard her read it.

"Let me arise and open the gate,

to breathe the wild warm air of the heath,

And to let in Love, and to let out Hate,

And anger at living and scorn of Fate,

To let in Life, and to let out Death."

(A/N: All credits to google, and the person who made this poem. I didn't make this poem. Let Me Arise - Violet Fane)

"It's a really nice poem, I saw it in school." She said as she smiled, probably remembered where she saw it. I let a small smile onto my lips.

"And I thought of you, when I saw it. So many people may be telling you to not give up, but please don't. We all love you Avia, and I heard that they will take you off of the machine, if you don't wake up." Braille said as I looked at her. She wiped a forming tear that was coming out of her eyes.

"Braille, time to go." Aunt Kayli said, as she looked into the room. Braille got up, but before she did, she whispered something in my ear.

"Remember the poem, okay." She said, as she got up and left. Except it didn't sound like a whisper, it sounded like something being echoed in and out of my mind.

"Come on, let's go home." Aunt Kayli said to Braille, as she grabbed her hand and walked out. I pressed my hand to the glass, as I watched them exit the room.

If only I could go home. The amount of things I would give just to get out of this mess. What I would give for this to of never happen. What I would give not to be trapped in this coma, thing.

What I would give not to be Alone.


Hey guys, so I know, short chapter, and I'm sorry. But there will be 20 chapters plus a epilogue to this book! So I found this poem on google, and thought, it would be nice to use. So I incorporated it with the chapter. So give me some feedback, and I might also update another chapter today! So yeah, bye!🔮🎥

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