Chapter 1

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I do no own any of the shaytards characters or anyone who is real in real life. However, I do own the ones I created.

Don't copy this idea without my consent or permission.

Thank you for clicking on this story! I hope you enjoy it, and continue to read it! Editing will continue gradually over time.


Future A/N: I edited this chapter on October 16, and I needed to change the first chapter up a little. You can keep reading, if you have just gotten to this book. I just needed to add a few things, and put some more details in the chapters.

So enjoy!


Shay Butler: Around 35
Colette Butler: Around 33
Gavin Butler: 12
Avia Butler: Around 10
Emmi Butler: 7
Brock: About 5
Daxton: 2
(New Baby) Christina: 4 months

"I compare it to being in a car accident. There is just so much adrenaline rushing through you that you remember being in the accident but you don't remember any of the details." -Brooke Langton.


-Somewhere around 2015-


"C'mon children, let's go! The church service isn't going to wait for us!" My husband Shay yelled from the garage. Even in his Sunday clothes, he still had a Trixin hat on his head.

Since it is Sunday, we have to go to church. Going to church is a usual part of our usual Sunday routine. Go to church, come back to our house, or sometimes go to my parents or Shays parents house afterwords

Shay turned on the vlogging camera and was explaining something to the viewer's. Since he was busy, I decided to go wake Christina up from her little cat nap. I'm surprised she was actually sleeping since she cried most of the time.

Christina was our new addition to the family. She was born around four months ago, and had been smaller than any of our other kids.

To be specific, five pounds nine ounces and sixteen inches. Her weight was considered a premature baby weight even though she wasn't a premie baby.

I went to her room that she shared with Daxton at the moment. As I walked in, I bumped into Emmi. She looked up at me with innocent eyes.

She must be up to something.

"Emmi, what have you done?" I questioned her. From behind her, Avia looked up, as if she wasn't expecting me. I put my hand on my hip as I gave them the mother glare.

Avia got up from the small rocking chair that was in the room. She quickly walked over and took Emmi's hand, leading her out of the room.

"Well, Emmi and I were just leaving! Bye-"

"Get back here right now!" I called, as they sighed and walked over to me. Emmi had a look of fear in her face while Avia held a hint of mischief within her brown eyes.

"What's did you two do?" I questioned them.

"We may, or may not of uh-"

"We tried to change Christina but we ended up getting her dress dirty!" Emmi blurted out as Avia smacked her on the arm. From behind us, Christina had started to wake up.

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