Chapter 4

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Avia's P.O.V:

I walked back to my room to see my lifeless body again. Great, that's just what I need. I sat down next to me. I watched my self as my small chest rose and fell even slower. I looked peaceful, yet pale. I stared at myself before something snapped me out of my thoughts. I heard footsteps. I looked up and Aunt Carlie was coming into my room with Daxton.

"There she is, say hi." Aunt Carlie said while tears formed in her eyes. I started to feel tears on my cheeks to. Daxton looked at me and walked over. His little body came closer to me. He looked at me in the hospital bed. Then he whispered something in my ear. Surprisingly, I could here it. If sounded like his normal voice.

"Avia." He said. Then all of a sudden, his voice echoed through the hospital. It traveled everywhere. I continued to face him.

"Avia, I love you and I know you are strong. Don't give up." He whispered. Aunt Carlie couldn't here him but she kept looking at my sleeping body. Then I saw hot liquid fall slowly down her cheeks. She whipped it before Daxton could see.

"I won't Daxton, I won't." I said even though he couldn't here me. It came out as a whisper. I watched as they left my room. I sat down next to my body. I felt tears blur my vision. They fell down my cheeks like waterfalls. I whipped my tears away. I couldn't cry like this, I had to be strong, for my family, for my friends, for myself.

I remembered what the nurse said about choosing. I was only ten for Pete's sake! How could I choose between life and death? What was I suppose to do? I have to make the right choice soon, I have to. But I don't know what it is yet.

I got up slowly from the chair. I walked through the door. I left the room and started walking down the hallway. I was going to fine my siblings. Even if it meant taking all day. Where could I go anyways? I walked passed nurses. There were so many different sections of the hospital. I didn't know where to go and I eventually chose a random path.

What were you doing? You will probably not be able to fine them? Just go back now? But you have no time to waste? What else could you do Avia?

I kept walking. Where was I? Then I saw it was the kids section of the hospital. Perfect! They must be here! I walked to the main desk of the hospital. There was like a juggle themed desk that had monkeys plastered on it. Two nurses were sitting on the desks writing away or typing. I decided to try to find them. I went through different parts of the hospital. Eventually I was about to give up.

"Excuse me Dr. Hampson? Can you check on Emmi Butler in room 243?" A nurse asked to the doctor. I watched them. I looked at a random door. Currently, we were at room 213.

"I was just on it." The doctor said as he started to head towards the direction of the room she was in. I followed the doctor. Eventually, we got to the room. 243. This is it, be prepared Avia.

I slowly walked in. I didn't noticed that the doctor walked in already. He already came out. That was fast. The room was a jungle themed room. There was a jungle painted on the walls with different type of animals on them swinging on vines, playing in the water. If only life was as happy as that. I spotted a bed. It must be Emmi's.

I slowly walked over to it. Every step seemed to make me more nervous. The room that felt normal temperature felt a couple of degrees hotter. I made my way over to her. I closed my eyes and braced myself for whatever I was going to see. I opened my eyes slowly. The little fragile body sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed. The figure was so pale. There was tubes attached to her nose. The tubes were hooked up to machines. She had a little light blue cast on her arm and was sleeping. I sighed knowing if she was okay. I kissed her forehead and left.

Next I had to find Gavin's room. I went to the front desk again. There was like no one there. I sighed. I gave up and decided to just run into his room by luck. I searched everywhere. I was about to give up when I walked into room 245. I saw Gavin. Why didn't I look in here before.

I walked over to where he was. He had light blue hospital covers and was on a kid bed. The bed was white like a normal hospital bed. Gavin had a breathing tube attached to his nostrils and he had tubes going up his arm. He had stitches on the side of his left I. His leg was in a neon green cast. He was breathing a little fast. I smiled but I got worried. Will I ever see my big bro again?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a noise.

Hey guys! I am sorry for the short chapter! I will be doing about 20 chapter for this book I think. This book is based off of If I Stay. I didn't copy it, I just took the idea of it. I do not own If I Stay, the book or the movie. Anyways, thanks for reading and bye!~ Diana🔃

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