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"The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorow."- Unknown


3rd Person View

The day was a quiet one, where the sun wasn't very sunny, but there was not clouds either. The cool Idaho weather wasn't too hot, or too cold. For fall in Idaho, the weather was nice.

The youngest girl held the older one's hand, as bot of them walked into the Pocatello Cemetery. A small gust of wind blew the youngest ones hat off of her head, as the hat fell to the ground.

She picked up her hat, as the oldest one stood there, smiling.

"See Christina, this is why you should of put on your other hat!" Avia said, as the six year old, grabbed her hat, deciding to hold it, instead of putting it back on her head again.

"I didn't want to! I like the pink hat!" The six year old child said stubbornly. Seventeen year old Avia sighed, knowing she would not win the argument with the whinny, but lovable six year old.

"Okay fine, but let's go!" Avia said, as Christina held Avia's hand, and they continued to walk.

The day wasn't dreary, nor happy, it was just neutral. There may of been a little bit of wind, but overall, it felt as if it was a normal September in Idaho.

The two sisters kept walking, hand in hand. Christina held Avia's hand in her right, and in her left she held her small pink hat.

Avia held her little sisters hand with her left, and in her right hand, she held four small poppy flowers. The red ones, just like her mom used to put around the house.

Pretty soon, after passing many grave stones, and trees, with graves either under, or near them, they had arrived at the four graves, that were all side-by-side from each other.

Avia sadly smiled, seeing the four names of the people she had lost.





Avia looked at the four grave stones, and so did Christina. They hadn't been to the graveyard since last month, but it felt like forever for the two sisters.

Since Avia would get to graduate this year, since she was one of the smart kids in her class, she would be going to college in California.

She didn't want to leave her dad, brother, her sister, her step-mom, who was there for them when they were sad, and he step brother and sister, Darren Gavin Butler, and Darcy Emmi Butler.

She had grown to love them, but she would still have a place in her heart for her real mother, and her real siblings, who had all died in the crash six years ago.

"I miss them." Christina said in her small voice, her small blue eyes looking at the graves. Her brown hair, was flowing loose behind her back, as so was Avia's.

Even though the little girl hadn't remembered meeting her mom, and her brothers and sister, Avia knew her sister still missed them as much as she did.

"Me too Christina, me too." She said, as Christina took the four Poppy's, and placed one on each grave stone, with carte, and gentleness.

Avia smiled, as she watched her sister doing this. She missed them, but over the years, she learned, that these things happened in life.

And that she would see them again.

They still went to church, after, although it took some time. Shay had stopped vlogging for about six months after the accident, but he started again, realizing, Colette and the kids would want him to continue.

For them.

Christina walked back next to Avia, as the two silently looked at the graves, seeming lost in there own thoughts. The wind blew some strands of their hair, in front of their faces, but they stood still, looking at the graves.

"Will we ever see them again?" Christina asked, as Avia looked down at the little girl. She looked into Avia's brown yes, as Avia looked back into her blue one's.

"Yes, we will." She said.

"Are you happy that we are okay?" Christina asked, looking back at the flowers, and the graves, knowing it was the thing that's held her mother and her siblings bodies.

"Yes, I am." Avia said.

"Yes, I am." Avia said, that time whispering it, as the two girls, held hands, watching the graves, not taking there eyes off if it, not moving, just looking.

Avia smiled, knowing she had gotten rid of it, the fear, and the pain.

She was at ease with her self now.

And she wasn't alone anymore.


This is the ending!

This book is finished, and I don't know what to say, lol!

This book, is one of my favorites, and I loved writing it!

I had remembered watching If I Stay, and thinking 'this would be a good idea for a book'.

And now, I'm finished with it!

Thanks for reading my book!

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Bye guys!

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