Chapter 11

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"Come on Daxton, here she is." Carlie said, as she walked in with my two youngest siblings. Daxton looked at me, and ran over to the bed, which he gave my pale body a small, gentle hug. For a two year old, he was smart, and sweet, yet shy and funny.

"Ava! Ava!" Daxton yelled, as he planted a soberly kiss on my cheek. He couldn't say my name properly yet. I smiled, as his blue eyes shown against the light. I chuckled as he tried to hug me again. Then he tried to climb on my bed, which made me burst into laughter when he accidentally slipped off.

"Daxton, don't do that!" Aunt Carlie said, as he got up and wiped his clothes down. Little Christina was asleep in Carlie's arms. From the looks of it, it must be night time.

"Sorwy!" He exclaimed a little too loudly. It rang throughout my ears, sounding like someone put a speaker up to my ear. I covered up my ear as the noise faded away.

"Aunt Carlie, when Ava wake up?" He asked, as Carlie's face turned into a hard frown. She shifted Christina from one arm to the other. Aunt Carlie sighed.

"I don't know bud, I don't know." She said, as she stroked Daxton's hair. It was really hard to get out of here, couldn't they see that?

"Carlie, are you in here?" Grandma said, as she entered the room. Daxton came by my bed, as he watched me, expecting something to happen.

"Yeah, do you wanna take them home, or should I?" Grandma asked, as Christina started to wake up. Daxton had took out one of his cars, and was playing with it on the lamppost besides my hospital bed. Carlie sighed.

"Can you and dad take them home, because I'll stay at the hospital. Mom, you haven't slept for weeks and you need a shower." Carlie said, as grandma rubbed the dark circles under her eyes. She hasn't looked like she has slept, or taken a shower, in days. She did truly look genuinely tired.

"Okay, fine, just call us if anything happens. In the meanwhile, I stay with Shay and talk with him." Aunt Carlie said, as grandma nodded. Pretty soon, everyone had left my hospital room. Now I was by myself, and bored.

Great. The perfect combination. Just great.

I looked around the familiar children's ICU center. It looked the same to me, since I have been here for who knows how long.

I sat down in one of the chairs, as I began to tap my fingers on the windowsill. I looked outside the window, as I saw small snowflakes falling. I smiled, taking in all of the beauty.

I love Idaho, especially in the Wintertime. The snow that falls looks amazing. It creates a thick white sheet of small snowflakes that come all together to become one huge white blanket.

I remember the time when my family was playing in the snow. We always had the funniest times, playing and laughing and just having fun. Oh how I miss that.


"Come on daddy, let's go!" My youngest sister, Emmi said, as she tried to drag our dad to hurry up. We were all putting on our Winter jackets, as we were going to play in the snow. I was so excited. I was only five years old at the time.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Dad said, as he finished putting on his snow stuff. He wasn't vlogging this right now. I was waiting by the door with my older brother, Gavin, as we waited for our dad to hurry up.

"Now let's go!" He said, as he picked up Emmi. She squealed, as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp. My mom was holding my baby brother, Brock, as she laughed. Then, dad ran to me. He picked me up, and I also giggled, trying to squirm out of his grasp

"Let's go!" He said, as my brother, Gavin opened up the door, and ran out. The snow was a good three feet deep. Gavin ran outside, along with dad, while he was holding us. Emmi and I giggled, as dad continued to run while holding us.

"Dad, drop them!" Gavin screamed. We giggled as we shouted a no. But a look of amusement was shown across dad's face, as he threw us into the snow. Emmi and I screamed, as we hit the snow.

The cold, thick snow connected with my face. My face felt cold. I got up, as I tried to wipe the snow off of my face. The cold, snowflakes were melting on my warm face, causing it to be cold. My cheeks were turning red, and so was the tip of my nose.

Dad stood there laughing as Emmi and I tried to take to remove the snow off of our faces. Gavin was laughing too. Then, I smirked as a idea popped into my head.

I whispered it to Emmi and she agreed with my plan. Dad and Gavin went off to build a snowman. Then, Emmi grabbed the snow, as we attempted to make snowballs.

"Dang it, this is hard!" Emmi said, as she sighed and threw the snow on the ground. I placed down my newly made snowball, along with the other pile I had made.

"Emmi, you have to push the snow together, and hold it, like this." I said, as I demonstrated how to make a snowball. Emmi copied my actions, as she made a good snowball. She cheered with joy, as I smiled.

Pretty soon, we had enough snowballs to attack dad and Gavin. I had grabbed the sled, so it could be used as a small cover wall, just incase they decided to make snowballs.

"Fire!" I said, as Emmi and I threw snowballs at Gavin and dad. They looked surprised. I hit dad in the face with one, and Emmi had hit Gavin in the stomach. We giggled, as they wiped the snow off.

"Oh no, sista, your going down!" Dad said, as pretty soon, dad and Gavin started to make snowballs. It transformed to a all out snowball war.

We had kept playing until our bodies felt numb. Even though Emmi and I didn't win, it was still a fun game, and I miss those times. Then, we kept playing until we were forced to go inside.

It was a fun day

End of Flashback


Hey guys, so two updates in one day, I know, yay! This chapter was more of a flashback chapter. Also, if you have any feedback, or suggestions, leave them in the comments. And thanks for all the votes, ily guys! Bye!🔮🎥🎈

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