Chapter 8

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Avia's P.O.V:

"Hey Avia, I know you can probably hear me, or maybe you cannot. But you are so special. You can fight this, and beat this. A little while ago, the doctor told us there was only a 34 percent chance you will wake up. But I know you will wake up, and you will prove them wrong! You will be the one who survives it. I am so proud of you, and I love you!" Grandma said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

My face felt wet. I put my hand to my face and realized I was crying, so I whipped my tears away. No more tears Avia, you have to focus on waking up. It's for you, and for your family.

Then, all of a sudden, someone bursted through the I.C.U hospital doors. Grandma looked up, and so did I. It was Casey, who was out of breath. His cheeks were red from running, probably. Whatever he had to say, was important.

"Mom, Shay woke up!" Casey exclaimed like a child. Grandmas face brightened up a little, but not too much. She got up, and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back later Av's." She said as she followed Casey out of the room. I got up, and followed her as they fast walked to daddy's room. Since I was in the I.C.U in the kids hospital center, it took a long time to get to daddy's room. His room was all the way on the other side of the hospital.

As soon as we got to his room, Uncle Casey burst through the doors, grandma and I following her, even through they couldn't see me. There everyone was, Aunt Carlie, grandpa Carl, Aunt Kayli, and us. Grandma Peggie and Grandpa Vincent must be in moms room, or something.

The adult hospital room looked different from mine. First, there was no monkey or jungle themed pattern dancing along the walls. The walls were painted white, and were very boring. There were less machines than I had, and the room was a little bigger than mine. The room had a door on the left side, with a small chair by the door, along with a small painting of a endless amount of clouds. On the right side, there was a couch that could seat three or four people. Next to the couch, there was a chair, similar to the one by the door. And in the middle of the room, there was the hospital bed, the machines in back of them.

"Shay!" Grandma said as she ran over to daddy. She engulfed him into a gigantic hug. Carlie was on the right side of his bed, grandpa and Aunt Kayli were sitting on the couch that was in the room. Casey sat by the chair by the door. Dad hugged grandma back.

After he leg go in the hug, I saw daddy's face for the first time since he was 'sleeping'. Dad had a I.V connected to his upper left arm, and he had another tube connected to him, which I didn't know what that was for. He had machines in back of him, some showing his heart rate, and others, I don't know what they did. He had something attached to his finger.

Dad's face was a little more paler than usual, and he looked a little drowsy and tired. Ironic since he was out, for I don't know how long. He had a little bit of dried up blood on his face.

Dad had a cast on his leg, and a huge bandage on his right arm. I think he had a bandage on his stomach area, because there looked like a bandage sticking out of his hospital gown. On the middle of his forehead, he had stitches, and he would probably have a small scar.

"How is Colette? Christina? Brock? Daxton? Emmi? Avia?" Dad said, franticly, with a worried expression on his face. I guess no one and told him yet.

"Well, Christina and Daxton are fine, Emmi-" was what she said before she was cut off by a doctor rushing in the room. He had a frantic, and worried expression written on his face. By the look on his face, something had happen.

Hey guys! Yes, I left you on a cliffhanger! Anyways, what do you think happened? Comment if you want to! Thanks for all of the support, voting for my stories! I love you guys! Bye!🎈💭

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