Chapter 18

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"Love the people that God gave you because he will need them back one day." -Unknown


Avia's P.O.V:

"W-what?" I asked, confusion and fear laced in my voice. My eyes widened, as I stared at the little girl. Her face wore a neutral expression, however, a tiny bit of sympathy showing in her eyes.

"I gave you three chances Avia, now you must choose." The girl replied calmly, as she played with a piece of her hair. My eyes widened again.

Choose between my family? I can't choose which one of my family members lives or dies! If I do that, then I will have to live with the mistakes I have made. That can't happen. I can't live with anymore mistakes. They will haunt me, and torture me forever.

I am barely holding on with what happened to Emmi. She can't expect me to choose. No, I wouldn't, I couldn't! This is just messed up.

"So, what have you chosen?" The little girl asked, as she sat down in the small chair, once again twirling a Piece of her hair. She stopped twirling her hair, as she played with the lacing on her small white and blue dress.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I have to." She replied, simply.

"What does that mean, you have to? Can't you just let me go! I just wanna choose what will happen to me for once! Why do all the bad things happen to my family!? To us!? It isn't fair!" I screamed at her. She stopped what she was doing, and looked up at me.

"Don't speak that way to me I was trying to help you!" She hissed, raising her voice at me. Her small blue eyes turned a deep dark, demonic shade of blue. Her small blue and white dress turned a dark shade of black. Her eyes held anger in them as she looked at mine.

My eyes widened, in fear of what might happen. It was my fault, I screwed up, like I screw up everything. I have to choose with inch one of my family members die? Isn't that cruel enough?

The little girls face turned back to her normal, and so did her dress color. She returned to the calm expression she was wearing. My family, just stood there, silent, looking at us.

"I can't choose." I stated, simply.

"Oh Avia, there's no choice anymore. You have to. Do you want something else to happen to you? Will you choose, or shall I have to for you?" She said, which sent chills up my spine.

It wasn't fair, why was this happening? Why did my stupid mind have to be so dumb? I felt the tears swell up in my eyes, as I tried to blink them away.

"Please help me! You can't kill them! I love them, I still need to spend more time with them!? You can't kill them, I already lost her." I said, referring to my baby sister.

"So I have to choose?" She said, as my family just watched, and blinked at me.

"No!" I quickly blurted out. She looked at me. I sighed, rubbing my forehead. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I couldn't feel anything, besides sadness and anger. I felt as if I was going numb slowly and slowly.

"I need a minute." I said, as she nodded her head. I turned towards the window, as I looked at the snow. It was falling harder now, as it was covering up the ground completely.

How was I gonna get out of this?

Looking out at the snow, as it fell, I let the cold tears fall down my cheeks. Someone was gonna have to die either way. I couldn't choose, but I couldn't not choose. I couldn't do it.

Then, as I looked at the snow, an idea popped into my head.

Maybe if I got out of here, no one would have to die.

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