Chapter 2

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"Choosing the right path is never easy. It's a decision we make with only our hearts to guide us."- Unknown.

The whole world was spinning as thoughts raced through my mind. I couldn't concentrate on anything except that the fact that I wasn't in my body anymore.

I watched my cold, lifeless body, on the stretcher, as the paramedics tried to keep me alive. My cold, lifeless body, was barely moving, and my eyes were closed.

Why is this happening? We were only going to church, why did we have to get hit by a car? This was not suppose to happen, we were only suppose to go to church! I'm guessing shock was starting to hit me.

I don't understand, how can I see my body? A person isn't suppose to see there body in front of them, only in a mirror, but that's it!

Wait, I was in a crash! A actual car crash! And my body, was tossed around like a doll. And- wait, why did this happen? What is going to happen to me, oh no!

Yep, the shock was definitely hitting me now.

I was in the ambulance by myself with none of my family members only the paramedics. But they weren't my family, even if they were trying to keep me alive. I stumbled backwards, as I caught my balanced. I was so confused. I decided to get some answers.

"Excuse me sir, what's going on?" I asked the paramedic who was monitoring my brain. He ignored me, and kept trying to save me.

I know he was trying to save me, but I needed answers. I am scared, and nothing feels as if it is real, it feels as if it's a dream.

"Hey! Mr.! I am talking to you!" I said as I waved my hand in front of his face. He sighed, as he looked at the direction of my hand.

I smiled, knowing I had gotten his attention. He looked at my hand, and was about to say something when he got up from his sitting position next to my body.

Then, he walked towards me.

"Mr I am asking-" was what I said, before the impossible happened.

He had got up, and had walked through my body. Literally, through me. As if the laws of gravity had not worked, and I was a piece of air.

For the second time, I am so confused. What? How is that possible? That's just, what the hell just happened? My mind is so confused, am I a ghost?

Finally, the ambulance stopped. I looked out the small window, and noticed we were at the hospital. The paramedics opened the door, and took out my stretcher.

I had noticed a team of doctors were there, probably getting called for a accident, and to be ready, or something like that.

"Eleven year old female, in critical condition with serious head and body injuries! We managed to control some of the bleeding, on her brain, but it won't last forever." The man paramedic said, as the main doctor nodded her head.

"Okay, get her inside, let's move! Now!" The main female doctor said, as her and about a couple other doctors whisked away my body. I started to follow my body, when I stopped.

I saw the paramedics take out another body. As I got a closer look, I realized they had taken the stretcher out. I looked even closer, and realized it was my mom.


Her pale, frail body laid on the stretcher, as she had a million white now blood soaked bandages on her head and her stomach and her arms. Her brown hair, now coated with blood, was by her shoulders, as she continued to bleed and bleed. And on top of that, she was hooked up to some machines.

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