Chapter 5

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Avia's P.O.V:

The noise sounded like someone stomping. It was getting louder and louder. I looked back and saw a bunch of doctors and nurses running my way. They were running so fast. But why? They ran through me. I didn't like the idea of that so I just stepped to the side. Eventually the line of doctors and nurses disappeared. I decided to follow them. I caught up to them. They were running so fast. Finally, they all stopped at a room.

Everyone else went in except me. I just stood their. What if it was something I didn't like? I decided to go in their. I walked in. Then, the door closed on me. Great. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't move. I tried to turn the knob but it wouldn't budge. I eventually gave up and sat on the floor waiting. What is weird is I never got hungry. I decided to sit, and just think.

If I choose life, I get to live, which can be a good thing. But if I choose to die, that can be a good thing as well. Daddy always said Heavenly Father always welcomes us with open arms. I wanted to live, but what of everything went wrong? In heaven there would be no pain, no anger, no hate, no bad things. But I had to live, for the people counting on me.

I would miss all of the awesome things. I would miss my family, my friends, my pets, vlogging and most importantly, my life. I didn't want to go, but I don't know what to choose. It's so overwhelming. What if I make the wrong choice? But the lady said each choice was a good one, but wha if she was wrong? What if she was lying? Tears swelled up in my eyes. The thought of dying terrified me. I mean, how does it feel like? Does it hurt? I remember reading this magazine talking about death. It didn't really say that much, so that's not a help. I just sat down by the hospital door like a mess while tears streamed down my face.

I must of been there for a long time when suddenly the door opened. Some doctors and nurses came out. I had overheard them talking.

"Will you tell them? I don't want to see it." The younger, handsome doctor said. No, I don't have a crush on him, lol.

"Drake, you have to get used to it. The kid only has a fifty percent chance of living. I'll tell them this time." The older doctor said as he sighed and walked away. Just as the door closed, I slipped through it. Ignoring my surroundings, I went to the figure on the bed. It took me a second to realize who it was. It was Brock.

That can't be him? No, it can't?! That's nothing like him! There was a huge bandage on the side of his head with blood all over his face. His face was bruised badly and he was sleeping. His small chest was barely moving. There was a huge breathing mask on his face. It covered his small cute face. There were so many cuts and scratches on his body and face. The heart moniters reminded me he was still alive. He was still breathing, he was still going. But he was barely moving.

That is not Brock! No! It can't be! What happened to the happy, sweet, cheerful innocent Brock who was full of life and made everyone smile and laugh. What happened to the Brock who used to jump around and make everyone's day? What happened to the Brock I used to know?! He was broken, he would be scared for life, because of all this! And he only had a fifty percent chance of living?! Fifty percent!? FIFTY PERCENT!? He was only 5! He didn't deserve it!

I slammed my fist into the wall. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I slide down the wall and began to cry. Why him?! Why poor, innocent Brock! It should of been me! If I hadn't solved the problem, we wouldn't be in this mess. I cried tears of rage and anger and sadness.

I got up angrily. I stood and faced the wall. I started to hit it. Getting all of my anger, sadness, and emotions out. These walls were trying to keep me out of the real world. And I didn't like to one bit. Then, the punches started to get harder on my knuckles. I started to scream.

"Why!? Why us!?" I screamed to no one in particular. Tears were flying down my face. My whole world was caving in around me. My world, my life, my everything were falling apart.

"Do you see what you did!? Are you happy!? ARE YOU HAPPY!?" I screamed. I then began to hit and punch the wall, transitioning from one to the other. My hands started to turn red and were soon going to bleed. Then. I said something I would never say I front of my parents.

"Dam you!? DAM YOU!? Dam you!?" I said as I felt my vision go blurry. I heard faint beeping noises that sounded like they were coming from a heart monitor. I gave up from punching and sat on the floor. I slide down the wall, tears still flowing and on my face. My vision was growing more blurry and it was not from tears.

"Dam you." I whispered as I soon felt my whole world cave in around me. I felt my head go limp. My vision ditched me and everything around me went black. This was it. The end for Avia Butler.

Hey guys! So, how did you like the chapter? Comment down below. Anyways, this will not be the end of the book. I have more chapters planned, so yea. The part about Brock made me burst into tears. My mom even asked if I was okay and I was like, yea. Anyways, thanks for voting and commenting nice comments and yea, bye!~ Diana🐘

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