Chapter 17

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"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness." -Anne Frank

Avia's P.O.V:

I stirred awake, as my eyes opened. I had realized I was just laying down, on the ground.

I looked around. Actually, I couldn't see everything, because everything was black. Everywhere I looked was blacked. Everything was just black. It was like the last time I had woken up in darkness, except it felt different.

I slowly got up, as I cautiously looked around. I couldn't see anything, since everything was black. I started to check again just incase.

Why was it like this?

"Hello?" I said, as I walked around. The concept of time and dimensions didn't seem to occur here. It was as if everything was just staying the same, all just black, nothing else.

"Can I leave? I don't like it here!" I said, to no one in particular, as I let out a small whimpered. I didn't like this darkness, in fact, it felt like I was dark. Or as if I was trapped in this darkness with no light.

This was different, by now I was sure of it. It wasn't like the coma dimension thing, this was different. It was all just black, and it was trapping me in here.

Suddenly, a small speck of faint light caught my eye. I turned towards the direction of it, as if had noticed it was very faint, and far away.

Maybe this was my chance to get to Emmi! I could finally leave this world, if I stay another minute in the coma, I don't know what I would do with myself. I'd start going even more crazier.

I started to pick up my pace, as I continued to run faster and faster towards the light. The faster I ran, the faster it would move away. I picked up my running pace, knowing this was my only chance to get out of here.

To see Emmi.

And with that, I started to run even faster to the light. I wasn't gonna give up yet, I needed to get back to her. I didn't want her to be by herself, or alone. I needed to be with her. I couldn't stay here anymore.

I ran as fast as I could go, as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I kept running, and pretty soon, I was closer and closer to the light. I needed to be free. Pretty soon, the light was right in front of me, in grabbing range.

And with one swift motion, I quickly snatched onto the light, as if it was a object you could pick up, and held onto it, as I felt pride and joy, knowing I was one step closer to my goal.

But then, the light got smaller and smaller, from the palm of my hand. Confusion and panick swept over me, as I frantically tried to stop the light from disappearing.

"No, no, no, No! Please don't disappear! I'll be here forever!" I franticly screamed, as I tried to hold the light, although that was impossible.

The light eventually got smaller and smaller. Even my panicked voice couldn't do anything about it. Eventually it was about to disappear.

"Please don't go! Don't leave me here! Please!" I screamed, as the last of the light disappeared, leaving my scared self in the darkness.


"Why! Why are you trapping me!" I said, as I put my hands in my face, as I fell onto the floor. I felt as if all my work getting here, was for nothing. It didn't work. Why?

Why was the darkness trapping me?

Leaving me with my fears, the memories? The pain? Not letting me do anything. Not even the light could he right now, considering how it made me want to go, to my sister.

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