Chapter 9

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Avia's P.O.V:

"What happened?" Grandma asked the doctor, as all eyes were on him. I continued to watch him to, afraid of what he was going to say.

"Um, there are some complications, with Colette's heart." The doctor said, as dad's eyes widened in fear. I was scared for mom too, of not knowing what would happen next.

"Her heart stopped two times, but we managed to get it started again. We had to put her on life support again. I'm sorry." The doctor said, as he left the room.

Wait, mom didn't need life support, until now? I thought she was always on it? Dad started to cry, as he wiped his tears away. Everyone was also crying, including me. I just wanted my family to be okay, I would do anything for them. After all, they are my family. They love me and support me, through everything I do.

"Shay, she will be okay." Casey reassured dad, as he sounded like he was convincing himself. I was also crying, considering the fact that I felt hot liquid on my cheeks. I wiped my tears away. The room became silent. Then, daddy spoke.

"So, what about my other kids?" Dad asked, trying to pull it together. Grandpa sighed, as he started to tell dad what was going on.

"Gavin, had a couple of head injuries, that were not too severe, and he had a couple of broken bones. The doctors said he will wake up soon. Emmi, has broken bones, like Gavin, and she had a abdomen injury. There was fluid in her abdomen, but they managed to fixed it." Grandpa said, as he paused, and took a breath.

"What about Avia? Brock?" Dad asked, franticly, probably the worst of situations going through his head.

"Brock, had it really bad, he's in the ICU. He had a huge skull fracture, and he had some of his stomach crushed. He broke three ribs, and he is on a ventilator, to help him breath. And he only has a fifty percent chance of living."

"Avia, had it the worst, besides Colette. She had head fractures, she had a major concussion, and she had damaged to her spine. On top of that, her heart had stopped beating, but they brought her back. They revived her."

"And Colette, had problems with her heart, and so they had to out her on a ventilator also. She had a spine injury, and she fractured her elbow. She broke eight of her ribs too. " grandpa said. By now, dad was full on in tears, and he was in shock.

"Why did this have to happen to us?" Dad exclaimed, as he looked very mad, and unhappy. Then, dad did something I would never expect him to do. He snapped.

"Why!? Why!? Why did this happen to my family!? To me!? Why!!! If Heavenly Father cared for us, he would not let this happen. This asshole would of never let this happen!" Dad said, as he screamed. Everyone looked taken aback by his outburst. Dad hit the lamp, off of the table next to him. Glass spilled everywhere.

I jumped, getting afraid of dad, even though he couldn't see me. None of them could, but I was still scared. What had he turned into? This is not my joking, funny dad.

Then, another doctor came into the room. Everyone looked at him, as he entered.

"Butlers correct?" He asked. Grandpa nodded, as we prepared to listen to what he had to say.

"I have came to tell you, that Gavin and Emmi had waken up!" He said, as the whole room erupted in a clap wave. I smiled, and jumped up in joy, knowing some of my siblings would be okay. I just hoped all of them would be okay though.

Then, the next few words are the ones that would change all of our lives.

"But if Colette Butler doesn't wake up within two weeks, we will have to remove her life support. Same goes for Avia and Brock Butler." The doctor said. I stumbled backwards.

They were going to give up on me? They were going to take me off of the machine?! They think I am dead, but I am not. I am right here! They can't give up on us yet. We are still here, we are still alive. But if they do give up on me, then I'll truly be Alone.

"What!? No! You can't do that to us, you can't!? We are alive, and fine, and we WILL wake up! Don't you get that!!! Your a freaking doctor, you have to save people! Not kill them!!!!!!!!" I said, as I let out all of my emotions. Pain. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Tiredness.

I can't believe they were giving up on us. Then, I sunk down to the ground, in tears. I had my head against the wall, as tears fell from my little porcelain cheeks. I burdied my hands in my head.

They were going to give up on us, they couldn't. But I know, what I had to do, I had to fight it, and I had to get out of here, to be in the real world. I had to live, and so did mom, and Brock. We had to fight this, I was not gonna end up passing away.

And just like that, I got up. I felt my dried up tears go away. I was gonna fight this, and I was gonna get out of here.

For my family.


Hey guys! So I'm gonna make about 20 chapters to this book! And don't worry, it'll be more dramatic soon. I have drama planned. And it's gonna get intense. So yeah, sorry for not updating more! Also, go check out my other books. And yeah, shout out to all of my internet friends! So yeah, bye!🚀🔥🔴

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