Chapter 14

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(A/N- there are some mentions of 'god' or Heavenly Father in here, and how it said that there is no god and stuff. I am not trying to be religious, it's just part of the story line. You have been warned! Thanks guys!)

I don't remember what happened after she fell, I felt my whole world collapse. My baby sister, the happy Loofus, funny joking Emmi, was now on the floor, covered in blood, laying as still, and as pale as ever.

Suddenly, I felt someone come in then room, and scream for help, as I just stood next to her, watching her, letting tears fall down my cheeks, knowing this was all my fault.

But Avia, this is not your fault! But, deep down I felt as if it was, if I would of gotten out of this stupid thing faster, that she would be okay, and I could warn someone.

"Emmi, please come back." I let out, my voice barely audible, as more tears fell down my cheeks. In the back-round, I could here distant people, and screams, but they were all muffled.

When a doctor ran, and used the heart monitors on Emmi's heart is what snapped me out of it, as in one swift move, they whisked Emmi away.

I stared at them, unmoving, letting all of my dark thoughts creep into my mind. I wanted to move, I wanted to run, I wanted to do anything, but my legs were numb, and I couldn't do anything, except just stand there.

My sister could be dying, she was fine one minute, and the next, she throws up blood right in front of me. What happened to her? Didn't the doctors check her, please god, let her be okay.

But then I remembered, there was no God, because if there was a god, this would of never happened to us, and we would be fine, and we would all be a happy family, just living our lives, vlogging, and going to church.

If God was here, this would of never happened to us.

I scoffed, as more tears ran down my cheeks, and laughed coldly, thinking about how there was a 'god' or a 'heavenly father'. There was no god, and it was all a lie. It was fake. It wasn't real.

"Hey god, if your here, show us some freaking miracles!" I screamed, as I started to coldly laugh through my tears. Nothing would happen, nothing's ever happened in this place. This coma thing.

I couldn't leave the room, because someone had closed the door, and I could barely get through. And I just used all of my strength to move my finger, so my body felt as if everything had been drained out of me.

And why would I want to leave, to see if Emmi is dead? She can't be dead, we'd all break without her. She helped everyone get through her dark days.

But Avia, she can't be dead yet, it may be a major thing, but she could still be alive! You can't get your hopes low! Happiness is a choice, remember that!

At that moment, I sat up straight, and wiped the rolling tears from my eyes. No more tears Avia, stay strong and positive. You need to find out was is going on.

But how was I going to get out of the door, it was close, and the blood stain was still here. As I thought of the blood stain, I shivered, not wanting to be reminded of what just happened.

Oh but Avia it's all your fault, if you would of gotten out of this thing sooner, she wouldn't of collapsed.

I got interrupted from my thoughts, as it saw the door open, and the nurse sighing, seeing she would have to clean up blood.

She came in, and was about to close the door, but I slipped right past her, just as the door closed.

Now, time to find out what was going on.


After tearing through the whole hospital trying to spot my family, and going to everyone's rooms, I couldn't seem to find anyone.

I sighed, as I kicked the ground, and decided to go to the waiting room/lobby area, in hope do seeing anyone there, even though I've looked three times.

As I walked up to the lobby, I looked around. There was a lady sleeping on the chair, a man looking on his phone, and another older man, just waiting, staring into blank space looking at nothing. As if everything in life was taken from him, like he was stripped from everything until he had nothing.

That could be you Avia. When Emmi dies.

But she's not gonna die, she cant! She is not, and stop thinking like that, evil conscious. Avia, focus on the main goal!

I snapped out of my thoughts, as it continued to look around. Then, I caught a glimpse of grandmas purple jacket, as she walked away really fast. Actually, more like ran.

And so, I followed her, I ran in back of her, keeping her purple jacket in sight. And so, she kept running.

Pretty soon, because I knew it, she was in Emmi's room, where there was a doctor, and the whole family was gathered in Emmi's room. I couldn't see anyone's faces, I don't know if they were crying.

"I'm sorry I am late, I heard what happened. Casey found her unconscious in Avia's room." Grandma said, as I could picture her worries face.

There was a doctor in there, I couldn't see if he was nervous. But, from what I could here, the family was nervous, for Emmi, as much as I was.

"Emmi's condition, was fine, but there was a brain bleed that we found as we opened it up that was not there before." The doctor said, his voice sincere.

"So what are you trying to tell me? To tell us? Just say it!" Dad screamed at the doctor, as I saw Emmi's body come into view. Her pace looked even more pale.

"Sir I-"

"Jus spit it out!" Dad yelled at the doctor. At this point, I was getting even more worried than I was right now. The doctor sighed, as he his face came into view. He wore a sincere expression.

"Emmi's dead."


I know, how evil am I! Killing off Emmi! Originally, I wasn't gonna kill her, but then I decided there weren't gonna be enough character deaths! Yeah, and there might be more character deaths! But stay tuned, this book is not over yet! I promise there will be a nice ending! So yeah, don't hate on me lol, and ily my llamas! Bye! 🎥🚀🔮

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