Chapter 15

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(Warning: may be some cursing in this chapter.)

"People say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never thought you'd lose it." - Unknown


"Emmi is dead."

"Emmi is dead."

"Emmi is dead."

Those words replayed in my head like a record spinning. The words I knew I would here someday, but never truly thought I would here them today, kept replaying in my head. Never stopping. Running itself like a record, except the only difference was this record had no end button. I would always here those words in my head, and I would never forget the day that I had heard them. They might stop, for a small period of time, but they will always start again.

Time seemed to stop, as everything around me seemed to go in slow motion. Everyone else's screams and cries felt as if they were muted, yet so amplified in my head, like a speaker being put up to my ear, but it could barely focus on that.

My vision blurred with tears, as I screamed bloody murder. I fell too the floor on my knees, and which the whole world didn't matter anymore.

Emmi was gone.

And there was no getting her back. My baby sister, who I have so many memories with, who I play with, and so who I joke with and love, left. Correction, Used to play with, to joke around with, who I had so many memories with, left us.

Her small brain couldn't take it. Something just had to go wrong. There had to be that small brain bleed. And she was ripped from this world, and now, she's gone.

My vision was getting even more blurry, and it felt as if the whole worked was sucked out of me. I couldn't do anything, but stay on the floor, crying, and curling up into a ball, and rocking.

I was feeling so many things. Grief, anger, pain, sadness, emptiness, and many more emotions. I couldn't control it. It was so overwhelming. I just needed Emmi back.

I couldn't hear anything, even my own screams were muted. I cupped my face in my hands, and started to let out my sobs. It's not like anyone could here them anyway.

I continued to sob uncontrollably, my sobs being filled with sadness. Then, my sobs began to turn to sad ones, into angry sobs. My body shook with each sob I took.

Why was this cruel world like this? This world, who ripped our loved ones away, without any reason, or any warning. It's like the universe is saying fuck you Butlers, or screw you guys.

I just stood on my knees sobbing and crying. Everyone else was a mess, but I wasn't focused on them. Her name ran through my head, as the memories only made me sob harder.

I would never see her again. My brain couldn't even process was going on. The only thing I knew was Emmi was gone. She left.

She is dead.

I started to hyperventilate. Everything around the room seemed as if it was closing in on me. My whole world was spinning. I felt as if I was drowning in my own tears. I let out heart-wrenching sobs.

My whole world continued to spin. My knees gave out, and I fell to then floor. I saw as people stepped over me. But my thoughts drowned in Emmi, and how she was gone. The tears flew freaky down my face, and I continued to cry.

Eventually, I felt myself get weaker and weaker. I felt as if I couldn't move my hands, and as if I was permanent glued to the floor.

I couldn't move. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't get up. I couldn't breath. I watched as everyone was crying, but I couldn't make out there faces well.

Everything started to spin even more. Eventually, I saw black spots in front of my vision, as I cried, and laid on the floor, as if I was stuck there by glue. I felt my old tears dry up, and my new ones flow in freely continuously.

Eventually black overcame my vision.

Memories of myself and Emmi, and my family and I having all the good times flew through my vision. As if my life was flashing before my eyes.

Did I really want to fight it anymore? Why was I still fighting? I can't imaging a world without Emmi?

Then, blackness took over my whole vision.

And al I saw was darkness.


Hey guys! So sorry for the late chapter, I am busy with a lot of school and homework! I had three tests today, and I had to study yesterday. I have a quiz on Monday, and a project for math due soon, so I have to try to do those! So yeah!

Anyways, I just wanna say one thing.

Caleb, from bratayley, has passed away, sadly. Even though I never really watched this family that much, I could tell they loved eachother a lot. He died of natural causes, sadly, and I feel very saddened for his family, and what they are probably going through right now. So help the family stay strong! And he will be missed!

So yeah, please remember Caleb, and try to help his family! And anyways, thank you for understanding about my tests and school and stuff! So yeah, the next book I will update will either be The Forgotten Tards, My Best Friend, or Gavin vs Zombies. Let me know which one you would like me to update!

Bye my llamas!💙🐳🍀

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