Chapter 13

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I had open my eyes to see that I was in the hospital bed. My eyes felt groggy, from trying to get out of this coma thing. I had been trying to get out of this for days.

Let me update you on what has happened. Last week, everyone expect mom and I have woken up. I was so happy for them, but how did they do it? I kept trying and trying but nothing has worked! Everyone, except us seemed to be doing fine.

But I can't get out of it. But I'm not loosing hope yet, because I will get out this, and so will mom. And we will all be the family that we once were, before this.

Anyways, I rubbed my eyes, and sat up. Wait, I was in the hospital bed, maybe it had worked?! Maybe I was out of this coma trance thing! A wave of excitement rushed over me, I could finally see everyone! I was anxious yet excited to see everyone!

"Nurse! Nurse!" I called out. As on que, a nurse came in. I didn't recognize her, so she must be new, or a different nurse than my usual one, and different from my usual doctor. As the same time, my machine started to beep a little. The nurse looked in my direction then back at the monitor.

"What happened to me?" I asked, but she ignored me. She clicked something on my monitor, as she pushed a strange liquid into my IV tube. I saw it sink in, it must be to help me.

I got up, only seeing my body. A wave of defeat flew through me as I sighed in frustration. I was still in this stupid coma. I felt my face get red, a sign that I was mad, and I felt my hand clench into a fist. I kept clenching my hand in frustration, as the nurse left.

I had clenched my knuckles to hard that they turn from a red to a white. I felt every bone in my body rise up to this anger feeling I was feeling. I couldn't contain it, as I felt the urge to scream. I felt my teeth grind against each other, and my body tense in frustration. My eyes, even started to show rage, I could feel it.

Breath Avia, breath. Take one breath, in and out. It just takes that, for you to calm down. You need to breath, this isn't healthy Avia, it isn't. Breath in and out, in and out, and keep doing that until you feel calm.

As soon as I had thought of that, I stopped clenching my fists, and my hand color returned to normal. My body went from tense to relax. I had stopped grinding my teeth, and I began to relax. My eyes went to normal, and my face turned it's normal color.

"I just wanna go!" I said quietly, as I couldn't think. I was so confused on this, and even though I may be in this coma thing, I am still confused.

Can't I just get out of this?

"And this is Avia's room!" Casey said, as he wheeled someone in. I saw who it was and got exited.

It was Emmi.

My whole face lit up, as my stress of getting out of this thing disappeared. Even though she couldn't see me, I was super excited to see her.

I missed my sister. This was the first time she was actually coming to see me, since the accident.

Emmi gasped at the sight of me, as Casey pushed her wheel-chair over to me. My guess, is that she needs time for her legs to recover. I saw there were small tears in her eyes, but in a instant she blinked them away.

"Hey Avia, so this is the first time I have seen you since the accident, and well, I miss you!" She said, as she held my pale hand.

For some odd reason, I felt her touch my hand though. It felt as the though was connected to my coma hand, not my real one. I felt her warm hand, hold my cold one. I smiled.

I missed my baby sister.

"I love you, and we are all waiting for you!" She said as she hugged me. For some reason, I felt as if her hug actually hugged me, not my body in the hospital bed.

Then, something happened.

I felt the need to hold her hand, so I held her hand with mine, even though she couldn't feel it, or see it. I smiled, but I had felt nothing.

As I was doing that, I felt my fingers tingle.

At first, it wasn't much, but then it spread to my whole hand, and became faster and faster. It started to spread like a wild-fire, and it made my hand feel very weird.

Pretty soon, my cold hand connected with hers. Not my coma hand, but my actual, real life hand, moved a little, and held hers.

I gasped, as she looked up, as her eyes widened in amazement.

I had gasped too, as I stumbled backwards a little bit. My actual hand felt as if it was moving. I still hand the tingles feeling but not as much.

I smiled in joy, as I looked at my hand. It moved.

Now we were getting somewhere.

I jumped up and down like a little child who just got ice-cream. Oh who cares, no one can see me. I smiled, as I looked at my hand again in amazement.

Maybe, if I could move my hand, it was one step closer to getting out of this coma thing. One step close to seeing my family, and actually talking, living, and laughing with them. Maybe slowly, step by step, I can get out of this thing, this coma thing. Maybe, I can go back to being normal.

As I sat down next to my body, the opposite side of Emmi, I saw, how she had changed. My baby sister has really grown up, and it made me sad, but she will always be little Emmi. I smiled at her.

But, then a noise, snapped me out of my thoughts, and took me out of my happy mood. What I was seeing was making me panic a little bit.

Emmi was turning pale. I thought, it must her hard for her to see me like this.

Then, she did something I wasn't expecting.

She started coughing. At first, it was small coughs, but then it turned into, hard violent scary coughs you would see from the people in the movies. I started to get a little panicky, but I couldn't do anything about if.

Then, what she did scared me the most.

She started coughing up blood.

She coughed up a small amount of blood, then, it turned into darker red blood, and more of it was coming out of her mouth. Emmi started to shake violently, as she fell out of her wheel chair.

"Emmi!" I screamed, as I raced to her side. She was on the floor, still shaking a little, as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Blood trickled from her mouth, as she continued to cough it up. More and more of it was coming up and staining her cloths.

Pretty soon, her shaking stopped, and she stopped moving. Most of the blood stopped pouring out of her mouth, but there was still some.

Her small face, usually filled with life, and warmth was now stone cold. There was some blood dripping down the sides of her mouth, and some blood on her clothes. She was laying on her side. Her eyes, weren't moving, and my hands were trembling, too afraid to check for a pulse. It scared me to see her like this.

"Emmi!" I yelled, as I fell to my knees and started to cry. I screamed, and true to call for help, but of course no one could here me. The tears fell freely down my face as I held her hand with my other hand, and cried and screamed, getting all my emotions out.

My baby sister, who was once laughing and joking, was laying motionless on the floor, while her life is in danger, and blood is coming out of her mouth. My hands, were touching her blood, even though I could not physically feel it. Her blood was all over to floor too.

"Someone help! Please!" I screamed, as I cried. I knew no one could here me, but Emmi needed help.

Or else, she could die.

And end up Alone.

Hey guys! So I'm not saying if Emmi lives or dies, you will have to find out next chapter! And mwahah I am so evil.😏. But don't hate me, even though I am evil. But, I will have you know that something will happen to certain people in this book! Anyways, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger, because once again I am evil, and yeah! And thanks for reading, and go read my books, and ily guys my llamas! Bye!🎥🚀🔥

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