Chapter 6

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Avia's P.O.V:

I felt myself flying. The whole world was moving around me. I blinked and I realized I was laying on a bed. There were doctors, nurses, you name it. This is not suppose to be the end.

The end is suppose to be a calm, happy place, like they described in Sunday school. It's suppose to have golden gates, with big white clouds surrounding it. It's supposed to have a angel playing the harp. And beyond that, it's suppose to be fields of flowers with vibrant blue running waterfalls and birds flying everywhere and so much life. This is not the end. I'm still in this nightmare.

"She's waking up!" A voice screamed. I was getting used to my surroundings. I was staring up at a ceiling with people around me. And they were doctors and nurses. They all had these caps on their heads and blue things on. My eyes widened. Why am I in surgery.

"But her back on the anesthetics! Quick!" Another doctor screamed. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Then, someone put a mask over me. No, this isn't what I wanted. I wanted to go up to Heavenly Father! No! NO! NO!

"Stop!" I weakly called out. They still put the mask on me. I turned my head and saw there was a huge thing superheating me from my body. I started to panic.

"Help! Help!" I weakly called out. But the doctors ignored me. Then, I heard machienes beeping rapidly. They were so loud. I wanted to cover my ears, but I couldn't move my hands.

"Sir! Pressures dropping!" Another doctor called. Whose pressure? My pressure? Where was I? What happened to me? What was I doing to make me get this? What is this?

"Help. Me." I weakly said as I felt everything feel loopy and me blacking out. I fell into a deep dark sleep that I might wake up from. A nightmare that couldn't me escaped. The train never stops running. The hell will never end. No matter what you try, there will always be problems. And my mind fell asleep. And I wouldn't wake up for a long time,

My vision started to become more clearer as I slowly adjusted to the light. I blinked a couple of times to get used the the warmth against my skin from the light. My vision became clearer as I sat up. I looked at my surroundings.

There were huge glass windows separating me from another huge desk thing on the other side. I was sitting in a white hospital bed with a lot of stuff attached to me. There were two chairs near the bed. And I think, there was a bathroom in the small door.

I got up from the bed and walked to the glass. I pressed my face against it. It was a quiet scene besides from the small beeping noises coming from the machine in back of me. I turned around and saw my body, but peacefully sleeping. I did a doubly take and stumbled back into one of the chairs. My body, what!?

I was hooked up to a bunch of machines. There was a huge tube in my mouth helping me to breath. There was a small black thing attached to my finger. My head was wrapped up in a white bandage. The left side of the bandage was a little bit bloody.

My brown hair was around my face as I continued to breath and sleep peacefully as of all of this was normal. My eyes were closed and my face looked as pale as a ghost. I was wearing a small hospital gown with flowers on it. It looked ugly on me because I dislike the hospital now.

I looked down to see what I was wearing only to see that I was wearing the same cloths when we got into the accident. I was wearing my white-ish black-ish top with a black skirt and black leggings at the bottom. On my feet, I wore my black flats with silver fake diamonds. I simply loved the outfit. It was probably thrown away because of the accident. There was probably too much blood covered on it.

Then, I heard screaming. Well, time to go check that out!

Hey guys! Here is the chapter I promised you! So, this book might be probably around 15 chapters! So yea!

QOTD: Favorite color?
AOTD: Mint Green!

Bye guys!~ D🐬💚🐻

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