Chapter 19

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"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can, and no one may. We ourselves, must walk the path."- Buddha

(A/N: there might be a curse word or two in this chapter so beware. You have been warned.)

Avia's P.O.V:

"Sorry Avia." Was what she had said, before she pushed me into the dark hole.

Then, two of her popped up. I looked up, and saw I was in a dark dark room. There was no candle, yet if could see her face clearly. Her little eyes were almost not visible.

"Sorry Avia." Was what she said, before she pushed me, as I simultaneously fell down another hole.

Then, four of her appeared.

"Sorry Avia." There little voices said. They kept pushing me, as I could still fell their hands touching my cold skin. I froze in shock, not knowing what to do.

Then, they kept multiplying.

"Sorry Avia."

"Sorry Avia."

"Sorry Avia."

"Sorry Avia." Was what they said, before they kept repeating and repeating the same action again. I franticly looked around me, as I tried to push there hands off.

"Get off!" I screamed, as they still continued to push me. I let out a piercing scream, as it covered my ears. I kept on screaming, as there little voices never left my head.

I screamed, as in couldn't see anything.

There little hands engulfed me into the biggest black hole I had seen yet.

I snapped up, sweating, and panting hard. My heart was beating super fast, as I realized I wasn't in that place anymore. I sighed in relief, as I fell back down, on the ground, and shut my eyes.

"Get her up." A voice roughly said, before I felt my body roughly being pushed. I opened my eyes again but I wasn't in the same dark place I was a second ago.


I sat up, and realized I was in a grey-ish room. There wasn't really anything in it, unlike the last place I was in. I looked up, and saw three figures peering down at me.

My eyes widened, as I recognized the three faces.

"W-what?! How did you get here?" I asked, as I saw them, looking down at me.

"Fate brought us here Emmi." He said, as I stood up. My eyes widened with fear, as my hand shook. I looked at there three faces. They looked back at me.

Then, it hit me.

Those three were going to die.

"Are you guys going to die?" I said, the last word coming out as a whisper. From the looks they gave me, I knew it was true. I felt the tears spring into my eyes, as they slowly nodded.

It was because of me. I should've not messed this up, and chosen to live. Now look what I've done, look what's I've caused, all of this.

They looked at me, there eyes showing sympathy. I felt as if they could tell what I was thinking about, as I felt a small tear fall down my cheek.

"Avia, don't feel bad." A voice said, from in back of me. I froze up, I recognized that voice. It couldn't be, it couldn't be her. She was gone. It wasn't possible.

But, I was wrong, as I turned around, and saw my little sister standing there.

"E-Emmi?" I whispered, as I ran up to her, as hugged her. I hugged her tight, as she hugged me back. I felt happy tears fall, as I hugged my baby sister. The others stood there, watching us.

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