Feels Too Real

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Chris's POV:
It was about 7 am when I woke up and realized what had happened yesterday. I smiled to myself and reminisced about it. She is so incredibly stunning. The way that she spoke with excitement and passion in her eyes was just amazing. Words can't even describe her beauty, and as cheesy as it sounds, I think I wanna be with her. But she doesn't believe in love. I just might have to convince her. My alarm rung loudly in my ears, I look at my phone and it's 7:15. I get up and do my morning routine then, get dressed. By the time I'm done, it's 7:35 so, I go wake up Y/N. I go to her room and knock on the door. "Y/N?" No response. "Y/N, I'm gonna come in okay?" I slowly opened the door and saw her sleeping while the sunshine that crept from the curtains surfaced onto her skin. I chuckled to myself as I watched her sleep for a moment before waking her up. I moved her hair out of her face and admired her beauty. Then, I shook her lightly and said, "Y/N? You gotta wake up, we have to be at the studio at 9 and stop by your house." She turned to me and opened her eyes with a light smile. "I'll let you get ready." I walked out the room and downstairs to make some breakfast for her since she woke up a little late.

*30 minutes later*

I hear her coming down the steps so, I quickly grab a plate with French toast, strawberries, bananas, and syrup and waited for her to come in the kitchen. She walks in and has a confused but amused look on her face. "You can cook?" "Yeah, I wanted to make you something. It's the least I could do." "That's so thoughtful, thank you. It smells and looks great." "No problem at all." I grabbed myself a plate and we both ate then, left to stop by her house. Once we got there, she quickly got out, went in, and came back in the car with a new outfit. She had on blue jeans, a  white sleeveless shirt with a pair of red Retro Air Jordan's, and her hair was down once again. I looked at her for a second and drove off. We got there right on time and went in the Writer's room and saw all the directors and the rest of our cast waiting for us. "Y/N! Baby! Are you ready to begin? Oh, excuse my manners. I'm Kelly, Y/N's agent." She stuck her hand out and I shook her hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Chris." Hours later, y/n and I had the first couple scenes down already so, we got dressed and went to the street set that they have. We got through the first couple scenes where my character Derek helps Maddison out by pulling her from getting hit by a car and letting her stay with him in his apartment.  "CUT!! Let's do that last tension scene one more time. ACTION!!" We get into our positions and begin, "Look, I gotta go." "Wait! Where are you going?" "I have to get to work, but I promise I'll be back, okay? When I come, I'll take you to go get your stuff." I started to walk to the door of the fake apartment set and I feel y/n pull me me back around and hug me tightly. I acted shocked at first and eventually gave in and hugged her back. She looks back up at me and says, "Thank you Derek, seriously. I know we don't know each other that much but, you stepped up and took me in like a stray cat." We both lightly giggled, "You're not a stray cat Maddison, but you're more than welcome." We look at each other for a few moments, I look down at her lips and back at her eyes. I start to lean in to kiss her but my phone rang. I backed up and pretended to be awkward and said, "Um, I'll see you later Maddie." And I walked out the door. "CUT!! Even better than the last take. Alright everyone!! That's a wrap for the day. You don't gotta go home, but you gotta get the hell up outta here." Everyone laughed at the director's joke and started to wrap everything up. I went to my dressing room to change and I kept having flashbacks to that scene. I don't know if it was just me but, I wasn't acting. I really did want to kiss her right there and then. But it's wayyyy too soon to make any moves, I just wanna show her how love is supposed to feel. And to do that, I have to take my time.

Y/N's POV:
That scene went well, although it felt a little too real. Chris looking at me like that gave me a feeling I haven't experienced before when acting. It was like he was looking into my soul, speaking to me in a language I didn't understand. And it was just us two. I stopped daydreaming and changed my outfit to go back home. I came out and everyone was heading out. Everyone except for Chris. I check to see if he's in his dressing room but he was nowhere to be found. I guess he left. I go outside to go home and there he was, leaning against my car holding two in and out bags. "I got food!!!" "Oh my gosh, yes! I'm starving." I looked at my watch and it was 6pm, "You wanna come back to my house and have another movie night?"

"Oh, come on! Kill him! You had the chance, he was RIGHT THERE!" I was catching up on all the Captain America movies and we were up to Winter Soldier. "You know this has been so weird watching my own movies." "Well get over it! I'm in my zone." I said throwing popcorn at him. "Wow, the abuse I get is crazy. You've been throwing popcorn at me all night. I should sue." "But you won't." I look at him with the corner of my eye and he throws another one. I gasp and he gets up quickly with the bowl of popcorn and gets ready to attack. "No, that's not fair! I have no weapons." But then I remembered that I had a nerf gun in my kitchen cabinet. Don't ask. I quickly grab it and point it at Chris. He puts the bowl down and surrenders but, I quickly start to shoot at him and we ran around the house until we got tired. "Okay, okay, I think I'm done getting my revenge." I said out of breath, "Yeah, I'm tired." We both walked back to the couch and sat down. Next thing you know, we were asleep.

Chris's POV
I wake up to see myself on y/n's couch with her head on my shoulder. It was 2am and I didn't want to wake her so, I grabbed a blanket that was next to me without trying to wake her up and laid it over us. She's so adorable when she's sleeping. I know I sound like a creep but I can't help it. She's amazing. I turned off the tv and got comfortable to go back to sleep. "Chris? Chrissss. Wake up Evans!" "Huh?" "Come on, time to get to work." "But I don't want tooooo." I said with my eyes still closed. I felt y/n try and pull my arm to get off the couch but she gave up. "You know, you're a lot heavier than you look." I smiled and got up. "Okay, I'm up. Do you have a toothbrush I can use after I shower?" "Yeah, go to the guest room. It's right in front of you once you get up the stairs." I quickly go upstairs and wash up, I then put on the clothes from yesterday. It didn't matter anyways since we were gonna change for our scenes. I came down and we left to go to the studio. A couple times every week for the past two months after work, that was our routine. We would go to work, go to each other's houses, and watch movies and eat snacks until we fell asleep. It was always the absolute best time. She's my best friend. We even had karaoke/dance battle nights even though she won almost every time. She astonishes me every time, I think I'm in love. But I'm afraid to tell her, I don't know if she even likes me.

Subtle Love ~ C.E.  (FIRST BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now