If You Really Loved Me

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"So what do you think about the name Isabella?" Chris looked up at me from the tv and gave me a warm smile, "That would be a great name bug.......Bella. I would call her my little Tinker Bell. Or Bells. And what do you think about Grace?" "Oh, I love that! Maybe we could combine them." "Isabella Grace Evans. She's gonna look just like you. She'll have your y/h/c hair and you're cute facial expressions." "With your gorgeous blue eyes and dashing smile." I said, leaning into him. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my belly that was slightly starting to peak over my pants. "I almost can't see my feet!" I giggled before Chris kissed my stomach making me laugh even more. "Don't worry, she'll be out in no time. Isn't that right, Bells?" He placed his hand over my stomach and he felt a kick, making him gush with happiness leaving his mouth open. "She kicked! Oh, do you like the sound of daddy's voice princess? Because we can talk all day if you want." He said propping himself with one hand on his face and elbow on his lap, "I think she likes mommy's voice more, don't you Izzie?" I asked placing my hand over Chris's. She kicked once again making me teasingly smile at Chris, "Ha! I think we know who won here."

I jolt up in realization that it was all a dream. In frustration, I slam my fist against the hard wooden floor and bruise my knuckles. The sunshine once again, peaked through the cracks in the ceiling and wood pieces against the windows. But I was finally able to see. As soon as I tried to walk to the door to find some way out of here, he came through with a tray of food. I stood still as he closed the door behind him and with every step he took closer, I backed up. "I see you broke out of the constraints." Ignoring his comment, I backed up until my foot hit the broken pieces of wood and picked one up that had a sharp end to defend myself. He chuckled and placed the tray on the floor as he quickly snatched the wooden piece out of my hand and grabbed my arm, tightening his grip. "Let me go Nicholas!" "I'll let you go when I know I can trust you. And since you wanted to break the chair, you can sit on the floor."

He threw me to the ground making me fall on one of sharp wooden pieces, puncturing me in my thigh. I scream in pain while holding my thigh around the area with the wooden shard. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Nick bent down with appalling eyes and I backed up with the rest of my upper body strength to get away from him, "Yes, you did. If you really loved me you wouldn't be doing this." He dropped his head down and sighed, "You know why I'm doing this." he said gently, "Now, let me take care of that." "No! Don't you think you've done enough?" "Look, you can try to starve yourself but you can't live with this thing in your leg!" I looked down to the stab and saw blood slowly but surely, dripping down my thigh. "Fine." He got up from the floor and slid the tray towards me, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get a first aid kit."

He left the room and my emotions stirred within me, making me shed tears. I never would've thought it would come to this. Locking me up as his prisoner and calling it "love". Very funny way of showing it. At this point, the hunger was overwhelming and the tray with pancakes and fruit were looking like steak and a glass of wine right about now. I quickly ate an apple slice and the taste was so refreshing. I closed my eyes and savored it before I heard the door open showing Nick with a first aid kit. He opened it and revealed bandages, alcohol wipes, gauze, tweezers, and etc. He looked up at me cautiously and took out a rag out of his jacket to give to me, "Why are you giving this to me?" "Because you're going to need something to bite on when I take this out." "Take it out?! You're not a doctor!" "Don't you think I know that?! I'm not bringing you to the hospital so, I'm the best you got."

I furrow my eyebrows worryingly as he lightly grabbed the shard and I winced at the movement. He looked towards the rag in my hand and I slowly stuffed it in my mouth. "On 3, okay? 1, 2-" Before getting to 3, he rapidly pulled the shard out, making me scream so loud, I was sure someone had to hear. Even with a rag in my mouth. I spit it out and exclaim, "That was not three!" "I had to do it when you least expected it!". He got gauze to place on it to stop bleeding and I squeezed my eyes in discomfort with tears rolling down my cheeks. He taped it down and wrapped bandage around my thigh before putting everything back in the box and looking back at me. "I really am sorry.....about that. You should eat." And with that, he left the room. Again. I bit my lip anxiously in attempt to keep the tears from coming down, but I just want to get out of here. I just want Chris.

****One Day Later****

Chris's POV
When y/n's mom got to the house, the detectives came over to question her and Maddison, who once again, wasn't here. There's paparazzi wherever I go and it's overwhelming. It usually always is but with y/n at my side, it wasn't as bad. But now I always find myself breaking down as soon as I get in my car. Life without her isn't the same. I'm completely miserable. I didn't want to overdo my stay so, I got a hotel room until they found y/n. Once I got inside, I felt my emotions overflowing my heart. I gotta find something to think about or just occupy myself. I looked inside the mini fridge and there was tequila along with bottles of vodka. I grabbed both and downed the tequila as I sat on the floor with my back against the bed. After about a half an hour, I heard a knocking on the door. I look up confusingly and stumbled as I got up to see who it was. I opened it and was surprised, "Maddison?"

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