Never Be Enough

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(Play the song above once we get to the singing part.)

*Skip to Saturday night*
Krystal and I put our outfits on and I did both of our faces.

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Both looks were matching with our dresses

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Both looks were matching with our dresses. Our hair were both curled but wavy. As I was finishing up Krystal's face (with mine already done), I decide to finally grab my gift for her in my closet since Chris stole the day for me with his wonderful presents. I give it to her and say, "Happy Birthday." "Aww, I didn't think this day could get any better." "I would've gave it to you sooner but, Chris was being super generous today." She giggled and opened the gift. When she opened it, she took out a diamond necklace with matching earrings. "Oh my god, this will go great with my outfit. How did you know?" "I didn't, it was just a huge coincidence I guess." She looks further into the box and sees a bracelet that says, "It's you and me, til my heart gives out. I'll love you to the end of the line." Her eyes started to tear up. That's what her boyfriend Adrian used to say, he passed away in a car crash 2 years ago. He especially used to say that last line since it was from the Captain American movies that she loves so much. He was such a great guy. "I-Thank-", she couldn't finish her sentence but, I understood. It was devastating for her. I couldn't even imagine the pain that she possibly went through. She was depressed for a good while and I had to fly down to Queens and put a pause on everything for a year to help her out. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat. She hugged me and sniffed through the tears trying not to mess up her makeup. She took deep breaths and muttered, "Thank you." "Don't even mention it." I said while wiping her tears away. "Now, let me fix you up before we go. Don't want your mascara to be running." She chuckled and replied, "You sound like those old timey moms." "Shut up." We both laughed and I fixed her makeup. "Do you wanna take my car or-" I was cut off by hearing a loud beep outside, I go look out my window curiously and see Chris standing in front of a limo outside of my house. "Come on, let's go!" Krystal said as we quickly grabbed our bags. "Actually, go out. I have to grab something, I'll be right out. I listened to her and walked outside. "Wow." I heard Chris mutter. "You look absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous." I blushed at his compliment and said, "You don't look too bad yourself bug." He smiled at me and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful y/n." "Stop, you're making me blush too much." I said as I smiled, "I rather not, it's cute when you blush." I bit my lip and looked down then, I heard the beeps of my security system turning on. "I'M HERE! I'M READY!!" Krystal ran towards us and hugged Chris and said, "This is a dream come true." before Chris opened the door for her and she got in. He closed it and looked back at me. "I really really appreciate you doing all of this Chris. She already had a love for you the day you became Captain America and now, she has an even bigger love for Chris Evans." "It's no problem at all, anything for a friend of yours." "Thanks." I kiss his cheek before getting into the car and him following me along.

Once we got there, all you could see was a tall large building surrounded by paparazzi with chattering people all around. The driver opens the door for us and Chris steps out first. Next, he places both his hands out to me and Krystal, helping us out of the vehicle. The photographers pointed their cameras to us and started to yell our names, "Y/N! Who is the lovely lady accompanying you?" "Chris! Do you have two dates?!" "Who is this mystery girl??" I cover Krystal's face with my bag and quickly walk in along with Chris. "Just keep your head down." I said. Then, we finally get inside and relax ourselves a bit. Chris leads the way and opens the door for us to the room. As we walked in, we saw the orchestra preparing before all of the people would storm in trying to find a seat. "So, our seats are at the very front. People are about to start coming in so, I'm gonna go up there and find out where the opening act is. I suggest you guys go sit now before it gets crazy." He runs up to the stage and talks with the conductor while me and Krystal go to our seats. As soon as we did, a burst of people came in talking while trying to find their seat which filled the room with noise. Everyone eventually found their seats and the light dimmed. Chris walks up to the mic and everyone starts clapping. He looks amazing, quite sexy might I add. Never saw him in a suit that close before. "Good evening everyone and welcome, to the L.A Opera where we are having our second annual Give to the Children charity event!! If this is your first time around, here's how it goes. We have a couple of performances by the amazing opera itself and a few single acts. After the show, we will take the checks in the lobby before you head out and fly out to all the children hospitals all around the world starting December of 2019!" More claps and cheers filled the room and Chris waited to speak again, "It's an honor to be your host once again. Thank you for being here. And may I present to you, Ms. Bethany Reed!!" He leaves the stage and everyone waits for the opening act to begin. A minute goes by and everyone is confused of where the singer is. Chris pops back up there and says, "Sorry for the small delay folks, seems like our opening act is a little late but don't worry. We will start in just a moment." He rushes back off the stage and signals me and Krystal towards the back of the stage. "What's going on?" I said, "The opening act is nowhere near here. She had an emergency and we have no one to begin. What should I do?"  There's a small silence as Krystal and I think. I could tell he's slightly panicking and I don't know what to do myself. Finally the silence breaks and Krystal says, "Y/N can do it." I look at her very confused and say, "What?" "You can sing y/n?" Chris asks, "Yes she can, she's sang in plenty of musicals. She was the best in her whole entire school! Even out of school, she always had an amazing voice." "Krystal, I don't think I'd-" "Y/N please, if you can sing the opening act, that would mean the world to me." He looks at me with his worried eyes and I sigh, "I don't even know what song they're performing.." "It's Never Enough by Loren Allred. Do you know it? Please tell me you know it." "I do. Okay, I'll sing. You're lucky it's for you bug." I said as I point my finger in him seriously.  He smiles and kisses my cheek, "Thank you. I'm gonna tell them now." He runs back up on stage and starts to talk. "You got this y/n. You'll do extraordinary." Krystal said. She walked back to her seat and I hear Chris's speech almost finish.

"She's not Bethany Reed but she's no other than thee  Ms. Y/N Bennett!!!" I take a deep breath in as claps fill the air and walk on stage. I pass by Chris who's now standing back stage and he puts his thumbs up. I look to the crowd and take another deep breath. The orchestra starts playing and I close my eyes waiting for my part to come in.

Chris's POV
I was standing backstage just behind the curtains looking at Y/N. She didn't seem very confident in herself but Krystal guaranteed that she's a great singer. I pray she's right. The music begins and she starts to sing,  (SCROLL BACK UP TO HEAR SONG)"I'm trying to hold my breath. Let it stay this way, can't let this moment end." She continued to sing and she graceful." "Take my hand. Will you share this with me? Cause darling, without you...All the shine of a thousand spotlights, all the stars that we steal from the nightsky will never be enough. Never be enough. Towers of gold are still too little, these hands could hold the world but it'll, Never be enough. Never be enough...for me." She finally opened her eyes and began swaying with the song. The way she sung so passionate yet gentle, made her even more astonishing. She used her hands to feel her way through the song which was fascinating.

*Skip to the ending chorus*

"Never be enough, never be enough!! For me. Never, never! Never, never! Never! For me, for me! Never enough! Never, never! Never enough! Never, never! Never enough! For me. For me! For me!.....For me." She ended the song so delicately and the crowd went completely wild. A tear rolled down my cheek as they gave her a standing ovation. I didn't think it was possible but, I think I love her even more than I already did. Something about her singing just made my heart want to explode with warmth and awe. Flowers were thrown on the stage and Krystal was jumping up and down, "Bravo!!" She said. Bravo indeed. She looked back at me and had the biggest smile you could possibly see. I gently smirked at her and clapped like everyone else. I'm gonna marry this girl.

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