Happy Birthday Mrs. Almost Evans!

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Chris's POV
After about a month, Y/N's mother along with, Krystal, Liz, my mother and Scarlett all joined together in helping plan the wedding. It's crazy having so many women in the house every single day. But today, I asked the ladies to give y/n a break with the wedding stuff since it's her birthday. I have so many things planned to do with her so, time to wake her up. I already made her a huge breakfast with pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and a cup of coffee. I bring it up to her on a tray and lightly kick the door open with my foot. She was laying there, still asleep. Beams of sunshine crept unto her skin making her look even more flawless. I placed the tray down on the bed and went to her side to lightly shake her, "Y/N? Baby, it's time to wake up." "But I wanna stay here....with you." She mumbled still with her eyes closed. I chuckled to myself and replied, "But don't you want to celebrate your big 30th birthday?" She jolted up brushing away the hair that was in her face from sleeping so crazily, "Oh my god, it is my birthday. Ugh, I'm getting old." She said grunting and face palming herself. "You're not old baby girl, come on. I have a whole day planned for you." I said while removing her hands. I gave her the food and she thanked me before she ate. I went into the hall and into the guest room to make a phone call. "Scarlett?" "Hey, how's the plan working out?" "So far, so good." "Great, let us know when we should come." "Alright, I will." She hung up and I went back in the room to find y/n's food half done. "This is amazing babe." She said muffled with a piece of French toast before downing some juice. "But I can't finish all of it. I'm.....stuffed." "It's okay, I'll take care of it." I said taking the tray, "You should start getting ready. The girls are coming to get you for a special birthday trip." She gasped and jumped out of bed running to the bathroom, "Why didn't you say that?! Now I have to get an outfit ready and do my makeup and my hair-" "I have all of that taken care of." She comes back out and hugs me, "Wha-how?" She asks stumped, I giggled at her confusion and answered, "There's a makeup artist and hair stylist on the way now. They should be here any minute." She pecks my lips and says, "Already a great start for the day, thank you bug." "No thank you yet. There's more to come so, go get ready."

She freshens up and the makeup and hair people came right on time. They did everything under 2 hours and the girls came right after that. I kissed her goodbye and immediately called Downey. "Hey! How's the birthday plan going so far?" "Everything's going well, did you talk with the venue people?" "Sure did. Everything is set, you got nothing to worry about." "Okay, good good." I let out a huff and rub my forehead, "You're such a nervous wreck, you know that? Evans, I don't even know why you're so worried, she'll love it." "You're right.....I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right." "You're doing great bud, don't sweat it. But I'll talk with you a little later, yeah?" "Alright, talk to you later." I hung up and relaxed a bit. I wanted to throw y/n a huge surprise birthday party. I invited Krystal, other old friends from Brooklyn, and a bunch of people we've worked with. Hopefully she likes it.

"I don't think I've done this much shopping in my life." I said sitting down at a table in the mall, setting down the bags in my hands. "Me neither." Liz said setting her bags down along with Scarlett. "Do you think the outfit is gonna look good for tonight? Is it a bit much?" I asked worriedly, "Y/N, you'll look like the most gorgeous girl in there. Trust us." Scarlett said placing her hand over mine giving me a warm smile. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Chris will melt when he sees you in it." Liz said giggling. "Let's hope so." I said getting up along with Scarlett and Liz.

After the mall, we drove over to Scarlett's house so she and Liz can change before they brought me home. They said they had to go out somewhere after they drop me off. It was about 6pm and I was surprisingly pumped to see what Chris had prepared for me. I got home and found the house decorated with gold balloons and confetti. Dodger ran to me with a little cute party hat on, which he looked absolutely adorable in, and circled around me. "Hey buddy." I said scratching behind his ear, "Where's daddy?" Before Dodger could point me where Chris was, he came down the steps with another party hat on just like Dodger's, and a party blowout.

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