Who Is She?

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"Maddison?" Y/N's sister was at my door, holding two slushees in her hands. "I thought you might want some company." "....Where have you been?" I asked, letting her in. "I just needed to get away." She said placing the slushees on the nightstand as she sat down on the bed. "For two days?" I asked nonchalantly with my arms crossed, keeping my distance. "I was....coping." I gave her a look that said, 'Yeah, okay.' She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Look, I know I might not act like the best sister in the world but, I do still care about her." "Then, why do you act like such an ass to her all the time?" She looked down thinking up an answer before saying, "Because.......everyone worshipped the ground that she walked on. Ever since we were kids. It was hard having a sibling who was always in the spotlight and I was left in the shadows." "But that doesn't excuse you treating her so terribly." "I know, I realize that now. Especially since she's gone." I bowed my head as she spoke those words.

"I mean she's my sister at the end of the day, I loved her." "......don't say loved. You make it seem like she's not alive." I said sitting back on the ground against the bed, grabbing the bottle of tequila. "How'd you even find me?" I asked and took a sip, "I came back to the house and everyone said you came to this hotel so, I thought I would try and be nice. Since I've been doing the opposite since you've got here. Which I'm really sorry about, I've been acting like a real bitch." She nervously chuckled, "Your words, not mine." I said finishing off the tequila and starting on the vodka, "I'm guessing you don't want a slushee then?" "I'm good on the alcohol, thanks." "Mhm." After a moment in silence, "So, are you just going to drink all night?" "It's the only thing that numbs me from the pain. I can't take it." I said breaking up a little as I wiped the tears from my eyes and cleared my throat.

She lightly rubbed my shoulder as the room went quiet. Then, I spoke up, "When are you going to talk with the police?" "Probably tomorrow. They'll most likely come to the house again to find me so." I nod and try to grab the bottle of vodka before Maddison blocks me from putting it in my mouth, "I think I have a better solution." I place it down as she dialed a number on her phone, "Hi, can I get a large pepperoni pizza with Buffalo wings? Yes, that'll be all....At 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge....Room 422. Okay, thank you." I look up at her and say, "You didn't have to do that." "Yes, I did. It's the least I could do for acting like a jerk. And keeping you from getting drunk." I chuckle at her response and think back, "You know, y/n always hiccups when she gets drunk?" I smiled remembering her 30th birthday party, "Yeah, and it was highly annoying whenever she came back home to visit and I would have to bring her back home. She would giggle then hiccup and it was just a repetitive thing."

We chuckled at the memory and I continued to bring up all the good times I had with y/n, and I noticed that Maddison's vibe came down. "I just miss her." "So do I, so much."

****1 MONTH LATER****

Even after a month, the police could not find a lead to where y/n was. Or if she was even alive. god, I hope so. It's so painful and I just hope that one day, she'll come knocking on my door. Hugging me and telling me that it's okay. Every night, I have dreams of her. More like flashbacks. And it's always the same. I dreamt about the time I woke up besides her as she slept, she snuggled herself closer to me. I tried to get up and I felt her cling on to me. "Nooooo. Stay with me." Her eyes were closed with a pout on her lips. I kiss her lips and agree to stay in bed. I wish I could feel her again. Just to feel her presence once more would make my day. Everyday I go down to the police station to get any updates but, they're always empty. I can say that it's been a little better with Maddison coming over. We just watch movies and talk about our memories with y/n. She's not as bad as I thought she was, she's been really helpful. I hear a knock on my door and I get up to see Maddison through the peephole. I open it and she holds up two chick fil a bags.

"I got Chick Fil A!!" I chuckle and let her in. After a half hour of eating and watching the Office, she got up to use the bathroom. As I grabbed an extra sauce in the bag that was on the bed, I saw a message pop up on her phone. It was from someone named Nick H. Could that be?......No. The person kept texting her until he called. And I kept thinking....is this the Nick I think it is? And if it is.....why is he calling Maddie? Without thinking, I picked up and silently listened, "Hello? Maddie? Can you meet up with me at the factory? And bring some clothes for her." Then, the phone hung up.

That was definitely Nick. My heartbeat quickened as my thoughts ran wild. Who is she? I heard her opening the door to come back out and I dropped the phone back on the bed. She sits back next to me and looks at me with a  confused face, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." "I just started to feel really sick. I think it was something in the food." "Oh, do you want me to get you some medicine or-" "No, no. It's okay, I think I'll just nap and I'll go to the station later today for an update on y/n." "Okay, well then I guess I'll go. I'll see you in a couple of days." "Couple of days?" "Yeah, I have to visit some friends I haven't seen in awhile." "Okay, be safe." She nodded with a smile on her face and left my room. I started to think and wondered why Nick could be calling y/n's sister. I should go down to the station now. I looked out the window and saw Maddison driving off in her car so, I put on a cap with sunglasses and a jacket and made my way down to the station.

When I walk in, Officer Randy already had an annoyed look on his face, "Mr. Evans, we're trying everything we can to look for Ms. Bennett but-" "I think I know who has her." All the officers turned to me with concerns and one of them asked, "What?" "What ever happened when you questioned Nicholas Hoult?" I asked, "We couldn't find him. He's been on vacation for two months but, one of his friends were able to vouch for him. But what makes you think you know where she is?" "I-I was hanging out with her sister, Maddison and I saw her phone blowing up with texts from a Nick H. At first I didn't want to assume but, the person called. And without thinking, I answered it. It was definitely him. He asked if she could meet him at the factory and to bring clothes for.....her." "Factory, huh? Maybe we should try to get in contact with him-" "Hey, Will! That friend of that actor Nicholas Hoult guy, the one who gave the alibi?" "Yeah? What about him?" "He just called, he thinks he's back in town." The officer looks back at me and yells back, "I want you to call down the FBI and tell them that we might have a lead on Ms. Bennett's whereabouts." He said as he grabbed his badge and gun and began to walk outside.

I followed him before he walked out and asked, "Wait! I want to be there." "Mr Evans, I can't have you come with. It could be very dangerous-" "Randy, he could help. If the police shows up at his door, he might not give us anything. But if Mr. Evans comes to his door very emotional, he might accidentally let something slip and say something that'll give us some clues." Officer Will says. Officer Randy looks back at me and says, "Someone get him a wire to put under his shirt so we can hear what happens inside of the house. When we get there, we hide in plain sight but not too far away. We need to be close enough to get in, just in case something happens."

They quickly put a wire on me and we rode down to his house. My stomach gurgled with nervousness but, I pushed it aside. He could have y/n and I will do anything to find her. Once we got there, the police and FBI hid and waited for me to go in. Before I got out of the police car, Officer Randy said, "Remember, just be very emotional. Use those acting skills." I nodded and walked up to the door and knocked. It swung open and there revealed Nick, "Chris? What are you doing here?"

Subtle Love ~ C.E.  (FIRST BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now