Take You Home

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***Light Smut***

I kept calling and calling her but, she didn't pick up. I got a drink of water with aspirin to calm my headache down and went upstairs. Once I got in the shower, I started to remember more from last night. I puked on her. Twice. Great job Chris. You threw up on your hot girlfriend. Not once but, TWICE. I shouldn't have drunk so much. I got out the shower, brushed my teeth, and texted y/n again.

Text Message:
Me: Y/N, please call me back. I'm so incredibly sorry love. I don't know what got into me. When I'm drunk, I usually don't act like this, I don't know what got into me. And I know that's not an excuse but, I am so so so so so soooooooo sorry love.

Y/N🥰😘: Okay.

Aw man, now I know I messed up. I'm gonna give her some space for the day and I'll try again later. I'm such an idiot.

I'm still a little upset about last night but, not as much as I was. I started thinking and I realized that Chris would never do anything to hurt me or make me feel taken advantage of. As long as him becoming drunk and pushing himself onto me doesn't become a habit, I think we'll be fine. I forgive him. But I just want to see what he's gonna do to get my forgiveness. I know it sounds evil but, I have a feeling he's about to do something extremely embarrassing. And I'm here for it. Anyways, I think I should call my mom since it's been awhile that I've talked to her. I called her and the phone rang a couple of times, "Hello?" "Hey ma!" "Y/N! Oh, how I miss hearing your voice! How are you? Actually, I already know how you're doing. You've been all over the news! And you have a boyfriend that your own mother doesn't even know about!" "I know ma, I'm sorry. I should've told you, I've just been really busy." "Yeah, I know sweetheart. I'm just pulling your strings. So, who's this Chris Evans?" "Well, you know the Avengers movies that I always watch?" "Yeah, what about them?" "Well, you ever heard about Captain America?" "Yes..." "Well, that's who my boyfriend is." "You mean that hunk that fought in the world war?!?" I giggled and replied, "Yes ma." "Oh y/n. You've done it this time. When are the kids on the way? I want grand children." "Ma!" "Oh come on y/n. It's time to get serious, do you love him?" "You know how I feel about love ma.." "I know but, let me ask you this. Does your chest get hot when you see him?" "Yes." "Does your heart feel warm when you see him?" "Yes..." "Do you feel excited about him or never really want to leave his side?" "Yeah." "Well, it's official. You're in love sweetie."

Her words hit me like a brick wall. Am I in love? I know I've thought that before but having my mother actually say it to me makes me believe it. Maybe I am, I don't think I would let just anybody throw up on me and be okay with it. Wow. "Maybe you're right." "I know I'm right. But do you see yourself having kids with him and being married?" I took a moment to think and I could see it. I could see us living in a big house together, kids running around in the back yard while we sit and watch them have fun. I could see myself walking down the aisle and see him waiting there for me at the altar. "Yeah. I could." I laughed faintly and I finally realize. I'm in love with him. "Well honey, there you have it. Anyways, you should bring him over one day so the family could meet him." "Yeah, I was planning on coming with him back home around Christmas." "Oh that's perfect! I have to tell your siblings and your cousins!" "Okay ma, well I got to go but, I'll call you again later." "Alright sweetie, goodbye." I hung up and smiled to myself.

Then, I decided to start doing some cleaning around the house. I didn't want to hire a maid since I was the only one living here. After doing that for about a couple of hours, I went in my room to take a nap. All of a sudden, I woke out of my sleep and I heard loud music playing outside. So, I went to go look and there was Chris standing outside of his car blasting One Last Time by Ariana Grande while holding up a huge sign that said "I'm sorry!!!". I opened up the window and I'm pretty sure his singing woke up some people on the the block. "One last time!! I need to be the one who takes you home!! One more time, I promise after that I'll let you go!! Actually I'll never let you go but, All I really care is you wake up in my arms!!! One last time I need to be the one who takes you home!!" Chris actually wasn't so bad of a singer but I laughed at his cute gesture. Out of nowhere, it started to rain heavily outside. Then he said, "I'm so so sorry y/n. Can we talk?" "Of course, let me come down." So, I ran downstairs and quickly opened the door for him to come in and already he was soaking wet. He took off his shoes and asked if we could go upstairs while he changed and I agreed. Once we got in my room, he began taking off his clothes and paused to look me in the eyes. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. When I remembered everything that happened last night, I felt a tremendous guilt in my heart. I'm so sorry I pushed myself on you like that. Even when I'm drunk, I need to know not to play around when it comes to you." I got a towel and dried his hair a bit before kissing him. "I forgive you. I actually already forgave you but, I knew you were gonna do something dramatic." He laughed and kissed me back, "And sorry for puking on you. That was even more embarrassing ruining on your gorgeous hair." "It's okay Chris, it's all clean and in the past."

He smiled and took the towel to dry the rest of his body, I stopped him and started to kiss him again becoming a full on make out. I pushed him on the bed and he smirked in response, "Ou, I like when you take charge." I got on top of him and he brought me closer strengthening the kiss, I took my shirt off and started kissing his neck. He moaned and immediately flipped me over and took off my pants. He kissed me again and started to kiss down my entire body from my lips down to my legs. It was like he was making out with my whole body and it was so mesmerizing. Right when we were about to get down, my phone rung. I tried to ignore it and kept on kissing him then, he pulled away and said, "Don't you wanna get that?" "No, not really." I said with a pout, "At least check bug." I picked up the phone and it was Kelly. "It's Kelly." "Pick it up love." I answered the call and said, "Hello?" "Hey Hun! So, the news are loving you and Chris!! They love you so much that Jimmy Fallon wants you two to be on his show tomorrow night." "Um okay, wow. Tell him we'll be there." "Okay perfect! Tell him I said hi since he's with you." "Uh, how did you know he was with me?" "You usually pick up my calls around the 2nd ring and you picked it up on the last ring. Obviously, something had your attention. But don't worry, I understand. I mean it's Chris for god sake. I'll catch ya later hun." "Alright." I hung up and Chris asked, "So, what did she want to tell you?" "Jimmy Fallon wants us on his show tomorrow night and I said yes. I hope that's okay." "Yeah, that's fine my ladybug." He said caressing my face. "Now, where were we?"

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