Are You Jealous?

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"Shit." I said aloud. I rub my face in frustration as the detective exchange expressions at each other, "Did someone come to mind?" Wilson asked, "Her crazy ex-boyfriend, Nick Hoult. He started harassing  her months ago but, I made sure that she had someone with her every time she went out. And there hasn't been an encounter ever since." "The actor, Nick Hoult?" Wilson asked, I nodded in response. "Okay, when you say harass, what exactly did he do to Ms. Bennett?" Danvers asked, "The first time, he just called her from an unknown number. Then, he showed up at our door to talk with her and he got upset when he saw me....we don't have the best history." "And what exactly happened between you two in the past?" "Well since I work with the MCU and he works with regular Marvel, the two cinematic universes were going to do a movie together. While on set, he was the biggest jerk to everyone and was a full tilt diva. I used to make jokes about him with the cast which....clearly stirred up some anger in him and we had to scrap the movie because of it. Well....because of him. So, I'm not exactly a favorite of his." I mentioned,

"Okay, this is good information to know. We can't determine for sure that he did it yet but, he is definitely a suspect. Is there anyone else we should know about?" I pondered for a moment and my mind thought about Maddison but, I don't think she would go that far. Although she pretty much hates y/n, I don't think she would do anything to put her in harm's way. "No, I don't think so. Besides creepy fans which every celebrity gets, no one has ever threatened her as far as I know." "Okay, thank you Mr. Evans, we're going to speak with the rest of the family for questioning. We will do everything in our power to find her." said Wilson, "We'll keep in touch." he added as I nodded.

They headed out and the nurse came back in to do some more testing on me. "So Mr Evans, the substance that was injected into your neck has passed out of your system. We can discharge you now." "Okay, yes please. Let's do that." The nurse left the room and gave me my clothes from yesterday. When I got my clothes on, my phone started to go off. I got texts and calls from y/n and I's moms along with all of our friends. I called her mother first. "Hello? Hello, Chris?" "Yes, Mrs. Bennett." I responded in defeat, "What happened to you guys? I heard over the news that you guys were in an accident. W-where is she? Is she okay?" I took a pause before responding, trying not to cause her to worry. I guess the rest of the family didn't tell her yet. "She-" My eyes swelled with tears and I sat back down on the bed and sobbed, "I don't know. S-someone drugged me and took her during the crash. I-I heard her scream my name Mrs. Bennett. And I couldn't do anything, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I'm so so sorry." "......oh my goodness."

She sobbed on the phone with me and muttered, "It's not your fault hun, please don't blame yourself. I know that you love her and that you'd fight for her until your damn heart gives out.......oh my baby." She whispered, sniffing up the tears. "I'm not going to rest until I can find her, okay? I'm going to get all of the law enforcement I could possibly find to help us find her. I promise." "Okay sweetie, thank you. I'm going to catch a flight back home. I'll be there soon." "Alright, please be safe." The phone hung up and I heard the rest of y/n's family come back in. Without Maddison. "Where's Maddison?" I asked tear-eyed, "We tried to talk with her but, she was so emotional about the situation that she left right before the detectives could talk with her." Uncle Frank said holding on to a crying Aunt Carol. "Come here kid." Uncle Tom motioned me to them as they embraced me in a tearful moment. "We'll find her." Tom said as he held the back of my neck before patting my shoulder.

We headed back to the house and the energy that once stood, was no longer. It was like the whole place was gray and dull. Once I got back in y/n's room, I opened my phone to see the picture of her making a silly face as my wallpaper. "Please be okay", I whispered to myself. I slowly swiped to the call log and called my own mother to break the news to her. After about another hour of calling everyone to tell them what happened, my sadness turned into anger. Why would someone do this?

"I'm back!" The door slammed shut behind him, making the whole room echo. He waved the bag of Wingstop as he walked towards me with a smile on his face. I glance up at him with a grave look and he paused right in front of me. It was a bit chilly and I only had on shorts with a regular t-shirt on. "Why the long face? Not happy to see me?" "What do you think?" I tilted my head and he chuckled, "This reminds me of how you used to get mad at me and I had no idea what you were mad about. It was like a guessing game." He grabbed a chair and turned it, sitting down as he sat facing me. "I'm freezing." I stated, "Should've worn something warmer." He opened the bag and handed me the box as if I could grab it. "Oh right, silly me. You can't use your hands, they seem to be tied up. Guess I'll have to feed them to you." He said with a smirk.

He took out a wing and brought it close to my lips but, I moved my head away. I'm not going to give in to him that easily. "Oh, come on love. You need to eat!" "Stop calling me love!" I exclaimed before he quickly dropped the box of wings down and grabbed my throat making me choke. "You know you're acting like a real bitch." "Don' me that." I muttered, "I'll stop calling you that, if you stop acting like one." He let go as I gasped for air and he picked the wings back up and ate in front of me. The aroma of the buffalo wings came to my senses and made my stomach grumble in hunger. "I don't know why you're acting like this! We used to be a great couple together and now, you've completely changed. Chris........he's a sickness!" "Why do you feel so threatened by Chris?" I asked before he stood and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head back as he leaned over me.

I winced in pain at the swift and painful movement, "I am not threatened by that dumbass." "So, you're jealous?" "You're really pushing it sweetheart." "Are you jealous that Chris gets to come home to me and-" before I could continue he slapped his hand across my face, making me cry out. "Damn it, y/n!" The room stood still as I sobbed and he delicately placed his hand on my bruised cheek, causing me to slightly move away from his touch and look in the other direction, "From now on, no more talk about Chris, unless you want me to hurt you. And I don't wanna hurt you baby, just work with me here. Okay?" Still looking the other way, I ignored him, "Okay?!" He exclaimed making me close my eyes shut and jump, startling me. I quickly nodded and he let go of me.

The sun began to come down and he left the room, locking the door behind him. I was left alone as the room became dark, with no light for my conscious self. I screamed and screamed for him to come back but, he ignored my pleads. Watching the darkness creep in the corners of the room, only made me scared of what lies behind them. I cry thinking about the terrors of what's to come for the next day, I have no idea if I'll even see Chris again. I tried to fight out of the constraints but, they were really on tight. So, I jumped a couple of times until the chair broke, releasing me from the ropes that left black and purple bruises around my wrists and ankles. I felt my way around and screamed for someone to hear me but, it was no use. I laid down on the ground and held my knees to my chest to keep some warmth. I was supposed to get married to the love of my life today and now.....I'm trapped by a jackass.

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