He's Gone

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"Nick, please stop." I begged as he put me into the passenger's seat before getting into the car himself. Ignoring me, he began to drive off. "Where are we going?" I sobbed, "I don't know but, it's just gonna be me and you, okay? And I'm gonna get you fixed up sweetheart." He rubbed his hand along my thigh causing me to wince at his movement. In attempt to get out of his grip, I tried to push myself as far as I could. Then, he grabbed my jaw, pushing my cheeks forward. "Stop fighting it y/n! Look around you!" He said looking between me and the road before letting go, "Is this what you call love? Kidnapping me a-and......leaving me to rot?" "I didn't leave you to rot, I fed you and cared for you." "I haven't showered in a month, the whole reason my leg is infected is because you were the one who threw me-" "Well, you shouldn't have broken the damn chair in the first place!" Startling me, I jump a bit and put on my seatbelt.

He brushed his hand through my hair as he stopped at a red light and said, "Don't worry, we'll get you healed up. I'll give you more food this time and you'll be stronger than ever." He touched my cheek, which was pale like the rest of my body. He wiped the tears running down and put both hands back on the wheel. He sped off going on the expressway. My stomach churns, remembering the last time I was on a bridge. Didn't turn out too good. I look out the window at the other cars as we pass by them and hear a faint sound from above. Looking up, I see a police chopper following our car. This could be my way home, "Shit!". Nick sped up even more making me roughly lean back in my seat, clinging on to the grab handle. "Nicholas Hoult! Stop the vehicle now! You are surrounded!" A policeman yelled out as he stood by other officers with their cars blocking the end of the road. As Nick grabbed the gun he had once before, I noticed a knife dropped out of his jacket pocket and I quickly grabbed it. Carefully hiding it in my back pocket. He pointed the gun at the policeman who just spoke and sped up. "Nick, no!" I begged. He then shot at the policeman while the other men jumped out of the way. I screamed and hid my eyes before the car came crashing into the police cars, flipping over.

Luckily I had my seatbelt on so, it didn't hurt me too bad. Pieces of glass from the windshield broke, leaving it all over the ground and my anxiety spiked. It took me a moment to comprehend what just happened until I felt a strong hand pull me out of the flipped car and put his arm around my neck. Pulling me up, Nick put the gun to my head as the FBI and officers pointed their guns at us. I wince and sob at and attempt to fight my way out of his grasp."Drop your weapon!" The wind blew through my hair as the chopper flew above us. "Hoult! I said drop your weapon!"

He slowly moved the gun away from my head allowing me to relax until he whispered, "If I can't have you, no one can." He quickly brought the gun back to my head and I closed my eyes in fear, this is it. Gunshots flew through the air and I yelped, squeezing my eyes for a few seconds until I noticed that, I was okay. Nick falls to the floor holding his shoulder as I gasp and look at where the gunshots came from. I turn and I see him. "Chris?" I whisper. Is it really him? He held the gun that he just shot and just dropped it as he came running towards me.

With the strength that I had, I limped my way until he lifted me into his arms and cradled my head. We sobbed happily together as he lifted my chin whimpering in disbelief. "Are you okay?" I hastily nodded and he kissed my forehead bringing me closer. "Oh god, I missed you. I missed you so much." He said out of breath. The police lowered their weapons and made their way to Nick and picked him up. He groaned in pain and tried to fight his way out of their hands. "No!" He screamed. Unexpectedly, he got out of their grasp and grabbed the gun in one of the officers' holsters, pointing it at us. Chris pushed me behind him, getting me out of way as the other officers ran to us. "Get down!" They yelled. It was like everything was happening in slow motion. But then I remembered, the knife. Without thinking, I moved to the side, took it out of my pocket, and flung it at Nick. Stabbing him in his chest as he dropped the gun and fell to the floor.

Everyone looked at me in surprise and Chris turned around, "How did you do that?" "I guess all the training from those action movies paid off." I retorted. He lightly scoffed in amusement and brought me closer to him again. The police cuffed Nick and brought him up to his feet. Shockingly, Nick was still conscious and alive. He smiled with blood on his lips and teeth yelling, "This isn't over." "Go to hell." Chris scowled. One of the officers walked him to the ambulance that just arrived. Finally, it was over. The heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt light again. Maybe too light. Throwing that knife must've took all my energy. "Y/N?" I glanced at Chris before collapsing in his arms. Everything went dark.

****2 HOURS LATER****

"Bug?" My eyes slowly fluttered open and looked around until I saw a familiar face. It was like the gates of heaven opened up and he was an angel, with the face of a Greek god. He held my hand tightly as I smile weakly and hear the slow beeping of hospital machines around me. I look at my body and see my leg wrapped up in bandage. "What happened?" I asked him, before he could answer the doctor came in, "You just had surgery on your leg. The infection spread to half of your thigh.......your leg almost didn't make it. Luckily, things turned around." He said as he smiled, allowing me to relax, "You also had some minor cuts but, we patched them up. You only need to stay for about a week to do some more tests and check ups before we let you go. However, everything's fine. It's good to have you back Ms. Bennett." I thanked him and he nodded walking out.

I look back to Chris, who's by my side, kissing my hand while brushing the hair out of my face and I let tears once again roll down my face. "Hey, hey, what's wrong baby?" "Is he gone?" I sniffled, "He's gone, love."

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