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****One Year Later****
Monday, June 23rd

Chris and I have officially been moved into our huge beautiful home in Boston for almost a year now. After the wedding and honeymoon, we spent about another month just packing and saying our farewells before moving away. We also started back up our acting careers and the good thing about it was that we had the same schedule for a bit since we did that new Marvel movie together. Since it's coming into theaters in a month, we just finished our last few junkets and interviews. Marvel decided to add some X-men characters into the MCU so, I played Rogue who has the abilities to absorb anyone's powers by touching them. It was a pretty cool experience too since there was a lot of CGI and stunts. I'm used to the two but, it's more than what I'm accustomed to.

Anyways, Rogue somehow traveled to a different universe where the Avengers existed and asked for help from the Earth's mightiest heroes to fight against a greater evil that was in her world. Throughout the movie, there were a few flirtations between Captain America and Rogue but, not enough for a relationship. Although, that's all I was getting asked during the interviews besides from how do I keep so fit for the role and normal questions about my character. And now I just began filming for a cop show named, "S.W.A.T." which I joined. One of the main characters "Daniel Harrelson" who's played by Shemar Moore has been the best to work with. He's been really welcoming and psyched to have me on board along with the rest of the cast. He's also been telling me about one of his old co-stars named Matthew that he thinks I would get along with.

I've also been writing to my sister. I know I shouldn't have even thought twice about giving her an inch of attention after what she's done but, after the wedding, I felt this feeling in my gut to speak with her. I've pretty much updated her on my life and from time to time, I would send her a copy of her favorite books. I've been thinking about visiting her but, it still feels too soon. She's been writing back as well, congratulating me on the marriage. Although I don't know how sincere it was, I still appreciated it.

And speaking of marriage, Sebastian is in the process of asking Krystal to marry him!!! I was so pumped to hear it when he FaceTimed me the other day. I kind of already assumed that's where he was going when asking her to move in with him a little before the wedding happened (my idea btw). Nonetheless, Chris and I are very excited for them. And emphasis on how excited I am, because I finally get to be the one to plan everything for her and go through that whole wedding process.

Now that we're back to the present, I am currently driving to the doctor's for a check up appointment. I'm still adjusting to the city so, I made sure to find my own doctor's offices and get registered over here. A few minutes past by and I arrived at the office and stayed in the waiting room to be called in. And boy was my stomach grumbling, I've been really hungry lately. "Y/N Evans?" A nurse asked, poking her head out the door, looking around while holding a checklist in hand. I modestly rose my hand and she guided me to one of the rooms and told me that the doctor will be right in. A moment later, the door was lightly knocked on by the doctor as he slowly came in with a smile as he reached to give me a handshake. I returned the smile with a handshake as well.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Evans! My name is Dr. Paul. I'm a big fan of your work." He gushed, "Oh, thank you!" "No problem at all. I just love you in S.W.A.T.! And my kids are excited for that new Avengers movie." "Aw, I'm so glad that they are. They're in for a treat." I grinned, "Okay, enough of me fan girling." He chuckled as did I. "First thing we're going to do is just get down some basic information about you, then, I'm going to give you a cup that you'll have to pee in. It's just procedure for new comers." I nodded and he began asking me questions like when's my birthday, where I was born, you know the usual stuff. Then, he gave me the cup and showed me to the bathroom, where I did what he asked. It's always tricky doing that stuff, guys have it so easy. I washed my hands and came back in the room with the cup to give it to the doctor.

Subtle Love ~ C.E.  (FIRST BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now