So Much About You

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Text Message:
Chris: How does 10 sound?
Me: Sounds good, where at?
Chris: How about Bru Coffeebar?
Me: Ouuu, I love that place! I'll meet you there😁
Chris: Sounds like a plan. (:

I'm actually kind of excited for this. Chris seems nice and I might as well get to know him if I'm gonna be working with him for awhile. It's fun getting to meet new people every time I do a movie or show, they instantly become close friends. But I keep getting this feeling about Chris that is different than anyone I've worked with, it's really weird. And I just realized that I've never seen him before. Anyways, I plugged my phone into the charger and fell right asleep.


"Nooo....More sleep."


"Okay, fine." You hit the stop button and go on Instagram on your phone for a bit. Next, you got up and did the same routine you did every morning. Brushed your teeth, took a shower while jamming to music, got dressed, did your hair and makeup (still jamming), and locked up the house. You got in your car and drove down to your favorite coffee shop. It was about 9:54 am but, better early than late. You went inside and sat down at a table and waited for Chris. 5 minutes later, a waitress came up to the table with eyes on her notepad. "Good morning, welcome to Bru Coffeebar. Would you like to start off with-", she looked up and dropped her notepad in shock with her mouth open. She quickly bends down to grab it and she bangs her head on the table. I cover my mouth in jolt and tried to help her. "Oh my God, are you okay?", Chris asked while just arriving. He helps her up as she held her head in pain and she looks at him. Her eyes widened as she looks at him and looks back at me and faints. "Oh my God!" I said and got down to her level. "Can someone get some cold water?!" I asked, then, another waitress comes to us and gives us a cup of water. I didn't want to completely drench her clothes so, I just spilled a little on her enough to wake her up. She jumps up and sees Chris and I hovering over her. She starts to hyperventilate while looking at us both once again. "No, please don't pass out again.", Chris said. "Anything for you Chris Evans and Y/N Bennett.", she got up and everyone was confused to what just had happened. We both got up still a little confused on how that escalated so quickly but looked at each other and laughed. "What a way to start off our morning." I chuckled at his comment and replied, "I know right. Maybe we should just grab our coffee and go somewhere a little private to avoid this again." "Yeah definitely." We grabbed our coffees along with bagels with cream cheese and came back outside. "So where do you wanna go?" "Maybe we can come to my house, just to chill and hang out for the day." He said, "Okay, sounds good. Did you bring your car?" "I didn't actually, I took an Uber. Did you?" "No, I brought my car. You could just come with me and tell me the directions." "Alright let's go."

I lead him to my car and we get in. "So, where to?" "It's literally 3 blocks down from here, so just pull out of the parking space and turn left than go straight from there." "Okay." As we were driving, Chris looked around in the car and back at me. "Nice car. What year?" "2020 INFINITI QX60" "Wow, you got next year's car. Sweet." "Yeah, it really helps when I'm parking. Especially with all the cameras, I don't have to break my neck trying to back up." "That's true" he said chuckling, "We're here.", I stopped the car and looked to see which house he was talking about til I realized he was pointing at the biggest house on the block. "That's your house?!?" "Yeah, I know it's huge. I wanted something smaller but that was the only house I really liked that was on the market and I had to buy something quick."
"Well, I'm definitely not complaining." We get out the car and he opens the door that reveals a huge living room, ginormous kitchen, and pool in the back. It just looked like a dream come true. I've stayed at houses like this for a week or two but, I didn't want to get my hopes up about a place I wasn't gonna stay at. "Make yourself at home. Mi casa es tu casa." I smiled at his comment and took off my jacket. "Let me take that for you." "Oh thanks." He took my jacket and hung it on the coat rack near the door. I walked slowly to the couch as he plopped down and patted the seat next to him signaling me to sit. I sat down and we start eating our bagels. "So, where are you from?" "Boston. How about you?" "Queens." "That's awesome, I love it there." "Yeah, New York is just so big and it's filled with amazing things. A lot of times, people just see the bad. But it's more than that." "You're so right, it's more than what the eye meets." "Exactly. And I meant to say, not to sound rude or anything but I've never seen you in anything. What's your last name and what have you played in?" He chuckled at all my questions and took a sip of his coffee, "Sorry." "No, it's alright. It's kind of good that you don't know who I am or where I'm from. It's a whole new fresh start. But my name is Chris Evans and people mainly know me from Marvel movies, I play Captain America." "Oh my God! I recognize you now! I probably didn't realize because my favorite superhero is Iron man..." "Ouch." "No offense." I said giggling and he laughed back. "No, it's fine really. What made you get into acting?" "Well, I fell in love with it in my first year of high school. We had this after school theatre program and ever since then, I just stuck with it. Whenever I act, I just love to insert myself within the story and truly get into it. I love when people, especially kids come up to me and tell me how I inspire them to become whatever they wanted to be. It just warms my heart every time knowing that what I do, inspires people." He gazed at me with alluring eyes and I titled my head at him, "Earth to Chris." I said waving my hand in his face. "Oh sorry, I was just caught up for a sec. You talking about your passion for acting was just...a little amazing." I blush at his comment and try to change the subject to avoid any awkwardness. "Do you have any movies in mind?".

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