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"You can stay for another day....let's catch up."

Boun's POV

I have spent an extra 2 days with my twin brother's "little family." And when they started their class in the University, I went home myself.

Two days spent with a lot of catching up. 

Night's spent drinking with Win, opening up old wounds and healing it.

Suprisingly instigated by Team.  He was really an angel.  He had forgiven me whole heartedly and had reminded me for several times that it was no one's fault.  He had apologized as well for "breaking us apart", my brother and me.  He didn't really have to but I accepted nonetheless.

Win although hesistant  at first but had forgiven me and I commended him for what he had achieved in almost three years of his so called "rebellion."  I can see him back in his old self again, happy, contented in the little joys in life and so in love.  But I miss him being the clingy brother that he was.  There was still that wall that I had to break through to really believe that I have him back completely.

And there was Him....we were never close, but I felt a certain connection eversince I saw him with Win in that victory party a few years back.  Hey, I'm straight, I had a girlfriend for three years in highschool but we broke up when I went and studied in London. 

I only felt those confusing feelings whenever I see him, whenever he was around.  There was that pull that confused me a lot.  I felt I had known him all my life.  I even dreamt of him before as being a girl that I was in love with, she does not look like Him but in my minds eye I see Him in her.  I can see a certain knowing glint in his eyes when ever his eyes met mine, it was just momentary before it would change to a look of annoyance.

Living in London released me from that feeling, I had several relationships but nothing came close to being serious thus I've been single for almost a year now, I just  got tired of trying and finding the right one.

I'm just glad that Win found his.

Two days in that house with Prem, was a nightmare in itself as he would always find a way to make his anger known.  Although we did slept together one night but after that he chose to sleep on the sofa instead.   I tried to talk to him, even apologized to him but it would always end up like conftonting  a fire breathing bull that wouldn't listen other than what he feels and think.  Then I saw it again, that momentary glint in his eyes but he masked it with his anger towards me.

"Hello baby..." my mom sat beside me and kissed my cheek pulling me out of my mental rant. 

"I'm so happy that you're have you patched things up with Win?" my mom asked searching my eyes when I hesitated to answer.

"Yeah...I did"  I answered with a sigh.

"Oh why are you still sad?" my mom asked confused with my sigh.

"It's nothing mom, I'm just Dad back?" I tried to change the subject.

"Oh...he's coming back a little later.. Go up to your room and rest, I'll call you up when dinner is ready" my mom pushed me up by my arm and ushered me to the stairs and she went to the kitchen to check with our cook.

I washed up and felt refreshed, I changed to a Tee and some loose pants and laid down on my bed.  I felt my body succumb to the comfort and softness of my downed matress,  and dreamland welcomed me in its open arms.


"I love you....but we can't be together, my family will kill you" the girl said while resting her cheek on the boy's chest as her tears run down her cheek. She was dressed in an elegant gown of the olden days with exquisite design and expensive fabric.

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