Ask Him Out

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Team POV

"Have you seen this" Prem showed me his phone while he puts his bag on the table and sat in front of me.

"What's that?... I can't see..." he handed me his phone so I could see better.

"That's the Cute Boy page...and you're all over it." he seemed irritated, contrary to our first day in school when he was teasing me when I got my picture taken by the two Cute Boy photographer.

"Why would they put up my picture in this page, I'm not even cute..hahaha their standards are getting low these days.." I joked to lighten his mood, but he continued to show his irritated look.

"Come on...let's eat."  he huffed and walked towards the food stalls to buy our food.

When we finished eating...

"You still have class after this ?" he asked even though he knows my schedule since he got it for me.

"Yeah, just one more but it was cancelled, our professor is stuck in a meeting." I answered casually while I scroll through the Cute Boy page and chuckled on the comments on my photo.

"Let's go home then.." he said but with an annoyed tone.

"Wait you still have swimming practice right?"

"I'm skipping practice, I don't feel well"

I'm really getting confused with his mood today, in our one month in school, he never skipped practice, he loved swimming , why is he skipping now and....he is really getting wierder.

Prem packed his stuffs and so he did with mine, he even took my bag and slung it to his shoulder as he grabbed my arm and herded me to his car in the parking lot.

When we got in his car he started the engine and drove off.  Fast....

"Oiiii, slow down Prem, a few more minutes we'll reach the edge of the world....what's wrong with you?"  I was holding my seatbelt, holding on to dear life...what has gotten into him....its just a Cute Boy page.

"My head is throbbing with pain....stop your whinning, my head will explode with your whinning...." he said irritated while focusing on the road.

We reached home and I convince him to rest in our guest room.  I don't want him driving with a headache let alone drive like "That."

He agreed and I brought him to the room, I asked Auntie, my nanny to bring him medicine for his head ache.

Prem's POV

"HELLO..Pan...." I called the admin and photographer of the Cute Boy page.

[Hey Prem....what's up] she answered.

"Don't what's up me,  I told you not to post his picture...why did you still do that...I told you why, right?..."

[I'm sorry Prem, it wasn't me,  it was Mew who posted it.]

Mew was the other photographer who was really pushing to put Team's picture on their page, well.... for publicity and to get more subscriber.  Cute Boy page had been loosing its popularity and the subscribers were dwindling down but when they posted Team's picture a few weeks a go,  the page gained back it's popularity.

I guess I just have to keep my eyes peeled just in case.


"Hey, Pan... can I ask you a favor?"


"Can you ask Team out..."
[Really?.....aaaaaaiiiiiii] she squeeled so loud I had to take my phone farther away from my ear...

"I'm just asking you invite him out not marry calm down...aaiish"

[Oho... you don't know how long I've waited and the schemes I had been planning to ask him out....oh yes... yes...I tomorrow ok?]

"Sure...whatever...make sure he accepts ok.....don't be the extra might scare him away...just be the sweet you ok...goodluck."

I've been friends with Pan for two years now.  When Team went to the US she'd become my constant companion.  She had been crushing on Team since first year highschool and even though she knows that Team liked P'Win, she never lost hope that one day Team will notice her. 

Pan can consider her pretty.  She has white complexion and an expressive, big, round eyes like that of an anime character, she is perky and laughs a lot.  She has a very positive aura that's why we became friends when I got stressed out when Team got sick.  She always cheered me up.  And in return she gets fresh updates about what's going on with Team while he was in surgery and in recovery.

Team didn't know her, or maybe he did, but did not really paid attention because his eyes were always on P'Win...

Ahhhh Win.... I really have to make sure that they don't meet...after that incident, something happened to him...and I don't want Team to see him...Team, he had moved on... if not....I will make sure he does.

The next day...

As I drive to Team's faculty parking lot...I can see Pan waiting by the curb.  This is it, I smiled to myself.

"Hi Team..." she approached our car and waited for Team to step out.


" name is Pan, I'm friends with Prem...we went to the same highschool...remember?" Pan introduced herself nervously, and if she's nervous she blabber...I can't help but chuckle at the scene before me...

"Oh...yeah Pan....what can I do for you?" Team  replied...but I know he doesn't really remember her hahaha...classic.

"It's Friday and no school tomorrow and.....and ...uhm....Can you have dinner with me tonight?"  she blabbered but at least she was able to do it...let's see what Team would say.

"Whah?.....I....I..." Team looked at me with panic in his eyes, he looked at me as if asking...what the h...or maybe she safe?... I just nodded.

"Uhhmmm.. Ok" he answered shyly scratching the back of head...

"Really?.....let's meet here at five....thank you bye..."  Pan excitedly responded and blabbered on without out even taking a breath.  And Team  was left with his mouth open,  when Pan run off, floating..I can feel she's floating with happines.  I approached Team and push his chin up before a fly could fly in.

"That....that...was something" he exhaled.

"You don't really remember her?  She used to sit behind you in every fricking class in highschool."

He just shook his head no.  Of course he didn't...

"Anyway...what do you think...." I asked Team while wiggling my brows.

"She's cute..." he said with a shy smile.

"Good...let's go Romeo, you're late...."

Plan A check✔

I'm so proud of myself.  Haaah.



That's all for now my LOVIES 😍

Hope you like this update.

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Keep safe all of you.  😘😘😘😘

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