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"I'll show you Boun, this is,not a fantasy...this is is possible...we are possible."

Win's POV

~~~Two years ago~~~

"Boun, what is the best gift for my crush?...I want to confess tomorrow after class" I ask my twin brother while tapping the end of my pencil on my chin, we were finishing our homework.

"How many times will I tell you to call me Phi?" Boun said while pinching my ears.

"You are just 4 minutes older than me..."

"Still...I'm older than you" he insisted.

That's my twin brother Boun, we were identical twins, no one can tell us apart other than Mae and Por. We don't go to the same school to avoid confussion, but sometimes he likes to visit me and play tricks on my friends and teachers and he always gets me in to trouble. Only my close friends knows about him, didn't really tell anyone else or he will be in trouble as well.

We are totally different, he is the easy-go-lucky type and I'm the serious one. He liked girls and I liked girls too except for a certain boy who really captured my heart.

"Who is she this time, Peach, Fon, or Pan." he asked.

"Ahm, he he, it's a boy, his name is Team.." I told my brother and I know he will tease me till the end of time knowing these, but he was really great in giving gifts, he had a lot of practice with the girls he flirts with.

"A boy?, why, had your school ran out of sexy girls that you shifted to boys?" he was shocked knowing this.

"It's only a boy, just one, just him and I like him, no , I think I love him...his smiles always makes my day and he is kind and caring." I defended.

"There's no future in liking a boy, what would people say, the social media, you will be destroyed. Por and Mae will be devasted." he protested

"And I'm sure if his into boys, he'll leave you the moment he finds a better looking one than are living in a fantasy bro."

"No matter what you say , I love him and I will confess tomorrow." I pouted and shoved my notebooks and books in my bag and went to bed.

The next day, I went to the accessory shop near our school during my lunch and I bought a breacelet with half a heart engraved on it, I thought that was a perfect gift, it's like giving my heart to him

The next day, I went to the accessory shop near our school during my lunch and I bought a breacelet with half a heart engraved on it, I thought that was a perfect gift, it's like giving my heart to him

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I sent a message to Prem's line and ask him if he could ask his cousin to meet me by the cafeteria. Prem was a good friend of mine, although I am older by one year but we share the same interest, swimming. I met him when I competed for our school and he was one of my team mates and my junior. He introduced his cousin Team to me during our victory celebration and I fell for him right that very moment but I was too shy to confess. It took a year for me to gather enough courage and today is The Day.

My teacher dismissed the class later than usual and I was fidgeting in my seat, why of all the days this happaned now, what if he thought I 'm playing a prank on him and leave, Oh no, please no. When the teacher said the word "dismissed" I hurried to the door, ran like a mad man towards the cafeteria. I can't believe the scene that was happening when I got there, Team was standing in front of Boun, he said he liked him and Boun just brushed him off but Team did not relent, he stepped in front of Boun again and stretched out his hands with a box and gave it to Boun, I walked towards them but my feet was heavy as if it was made of steel, I could not walk fast enough, how did he know Boun or did he? Maybe he thought he was me. Then I heard Boun said

"Don't waste your time and mine" and brush him off again. That's when Boun saw me and approch me with a smirk and said, "See , he saw someone better than you and he confessed right a way" I could not believe what was happening, I wanted to punch him in the face but I was shocked of what happened next, Team was clutching his chest and seems he was having a hard time breathing, tears streaming down his face and he fainted. I tried to move, tried to run to catch him, but I was stuck my body wont budge, there were screaming and someone calls for a teacher and I can see Prem cradling Team on his lap, there was a blaring sound of an ambulance and some guys put Team on a stretcher and lift him up and put him inside the ambulance and sped away together with Prem. All of this happened in a blink of an eye and Boun turned to see what the commotion was about and saw what happened, He was confused.

"What did you do" I shouted at him with my hand balled to a fist and tears streaming down my face.

"You caused this, you and ....this is all your fault...I hate you." I turned my back and stomped away. I tried calling Prem but before I could walk farther, I saw the box that Team was trying to give Boun and I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. I tried calling Prem again and the line was cut off before I could talk to him, I tried again and his phone was turned off. I sent him several messages explaining that it was not me that they saw and that was my twin brother, there was no reply. I sent several others and it was left unread.

I went to the nearest hospital hoping to see him but right at entrance I saw Prem talking on the phone outside of the hospital. I ran to him and asked if I could see Team, but he pushed me so hard that I fell down on the pavement.

" caused this...he's gonna die because of you....get out ....get out of my sight.." Prem shouted with fire in his eyes.

"But that wasn't me...that was my tw..." he cut me off.

"I don't give a f*ck...leave...or die for all I care....leave" and he kicked me in the gut and walked back in the hospital. I got up with difficulty my stomach hurt like hell, I tried to straigthen my body but it hurts like hell, I hailed a cab and went home.

Since then I stopped talking with my brother, with my family with anybody.

I died right at that pavement. I haven't heard anything about Team, he stopped going to school. Prem stopped acknowledging me, I was like air whenever our path crossed, he would look right through me as if I wasn't there. If not because of Pan I wouldn't know that Team was alive and in the US. So there was still a chance or so I thought.



That's all for now my LOVIES😍

Hope you like it.

Special mention to my friend in Wattpad
JupiterJJ7, here is the answer to your question. And thank you for always the first one to read and sorry for waking you up sometimes 😁😁😁😘

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Keep safe and take care. 😘😘😘

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