Bed Angel

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"DAD....PLEASE...his is alone in his room and it's quite gloomy and he doesn't even eat well....look at him Dad, he so thin and pale, he might get sick too....Mooommmm Pleaseeeee... I will tell our cook his favorite dishes....pleeeaaasseee" Team pleaded non stop.

Third POV

Prem drove Team and Win to Team's house, he was feeling kind of happy and sad at the same time.  He was sad because he don't know what to do with his time since for sure Win will be taking care of Team full time, happy because looking at the couple from his rear view mirror, he could see that they are glowing with love and happiness, specially Team, who for a long time had not really looked geniunely happy.  The boys at the back seat are seating side by side in contentment, Win's arm around Team's shoulder, Team resting his head on Win's chest, with their hands intertwined.  He is really happy for his cousin that finally all Team's prayers had been answered and will never have that searching look anymore.

Both car arrived at the driveway, one with Team's parents and the other one with the youngsters.  Team,  though still a bit weak, excitedly came down from the car with Win in tow.

"Let me give you a house tour Phi." said the excited Team, but before Team could pull Win with him, the older boy, went to the trunk of the car and opened it to get Team's bags and stuffs and slung it on his shoulder.  Team pulled Win, while walking fast towards the inside of the house.

"Put the bags there Phi" pointing at the sofa.

"Let me show you around."  Team again excitedly pulled Win with him.

"Well, this is our dining, and there's the kitchen....oh  let me introduce you to our cook, she would love to cook your favorites..."  Team ushered Win inside the swinging door leading to the kitchen.

"Auntie Fan,  this is Phi Win, my boyfriend, he will be staying with us from now on, please take care of him " Team waid to an elderly lady with a wide smile, wearing a crisp white apron and a white bandana wrapping her hair and a spatula on her right hand, Win waid to the cheerful lady and smiled.

"Oh, young master, he is so handsome, but why is he so thin?, Don't worry, I will cook all your favorites and feed you 6 times a day so you will gain weight, I bet you will be more handsome if we put some meat on your skinny body...."  Auntie Fan said while, pinching Win's sunken cheek with so much concern like a mother to his own child.

"Tell me your favorites, "  Auntie Fan demanded.

"Oh Auntie, we will tell you later, I got to show, the rest of the house first, and Auntie.......please stop calling me young master, I told you to call me Team right?" 

"Oh, ok ...young....oh uhm  Team"  Auntie Fan chuckled.

The two boy's left the kitchen and went to the garden behind the house.  Win was mesmerized, it seems like something out of dream, with array of different kinds of flowers, with different colors and sizes, fenced around by several fruit bearing tree and right in the middle was the biggest cherry blossom tree that he had ever seen with a cute gazebo, laid under it.  They went in the gazebo and he can smell the sweet scents of the flowers, carried by the wind.  They stood there hand in hand taking in the surrounding,  Team stood in front of Win and took both hands of the elder and crossed it on his body, leaning againts Win's body with their arms crossed in front of Team's.  They stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the breeze and each other's warmth.


A cellphone alarmed and, Win took out his. 

"It's time for your medicine, come on let's get inside so you can take your tablet."

Yes,  Win had saved Team's medicine in take schedule,  he did that after secretly  peeking at the prescription that Prem recieved from Team's nurse.  He was determined to solely take care of Team's needs for his recovery.  They went inside and went to the living room where the bags are.  He let Team sit first on the sofa and picked up the small bag where he stuff all of Team's medicine and rumaged to find the right medicine for Team to take.  He went to the kitchen to ask for a glass of water from Auntie Fan and went back to Team.  He gave Team the tablet and the glass of water, he made a mental note to arrange Team's medicine based on the schedule of ministration as soon as he had settled to the room he will be using.

It was already 4pm and Team, showed him the guest room where Win will be staying and the last he showed was his room which was just the next room to Win's.  Team showed tiredness and Win asked him to rest and he will just wipe him down with warm water and wash cloth so he could change to his house clothes and rest.

Team dropped on his bed on his back while waiting for Win and stared at the ceiling with a contented expression on his face.  He never imagined that he will be together with Win, but now it happened and he thank all the powers that be for granting him his wishes. 

When Win returned, Team seemed to be sleeping with his arms spread out as well as his legs, looking like a Bed Angel, snoring softly.  He stared at his baby Team, taking in his cuteness from head to toe, his jet black shiny hair shading his closed eyes, of which he couldn't help but to brush it off from his fore head, to reveal his dark thick brows, perfectly arched, his long thick lashes,  his button nose that was so cute, that he restrained him self from pinch it.  His plump, pink lips with a normal pout, parted a little while he breathes.  His smooth milky chubby checks that he just want to pinch and kiss all day long,  his slender neck and well proportioned chest that rise and fall in sync with his relaxed breathing.  He pinched his own arm to make sure that he was not dreaming and he really is in the same roof as Team let alone the same room.

He can't help himself but plant a soft kiss on his beloved's forehead.  He dismissed the original plan of wiping down Team, he might wake up and disturb his sleep.  Team needed to rest whenever, to regain his strength.  He placed Team's arm close to his body as well  his legs to a relaxed position, and pull up the blanket to let Team sleep and rest warmly.

Looking at the sleeping angel beside him,  he couldn't ask for more and all things heavy that weighed on his shoulder had magically been lifted.  He uttered a prayer to let Team recover soon so he could take him to places that he loved and to finally take him HOME with him.

He went back to his room and noticed that it had been prepared for him with a set of pyjama laid on his bed and a note.

Take some rest my child and we will call you when dinner is ready,  Thank you for loving  my son.


He can't  fight his tears from falling, with the overwhelming acceptance that this family was giving him, he took a moment to calm himself down and went to the bathroom in his room to freshen up.  He went to the closet to find basic clothes to wear and other necesities, it seems that he does not need to  go back to his dorm to get his clothes.  He wonder how can all these be prepared before he even get there.

After he was dressed with a simple white V neck shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts, he heard a knock on his door.

He opened and....


"We need to talk."  Prem made his way in and sat on the sofa next to the bed.



That's all for now my LOVIES 😍
Hope you like this update.  What do you think Prem would like to talk to Win about?

Like and share and comments please.

Stay safe and healthy 😘😘😘😘

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